After a Hiatus…

Previously on Book of PDR:

When a webcomic mentioned an obscure physics term, PDR tried to use Google to find out what it was. He ended up with a computer version of a virus inside his computer. He cleaned his computer and got rid of the virus enough so he could still operate it for his limited needs, but he knew the virus was still there. He thought it would not matter. He did not realize that it was SKYNET!

Anyway, I just spent like four or five days without the Internet. I guess my virused-up computer was sending out spam or something, so my provider shut me down (without actually telling me, just for the record). Anyway, I seem to have cleaned up the thing now. Maybe next time I’ll try a little harder to prevent this sort of thing.

Now to get caught up on all the Internet I missed over that brief time.

The Contains2 of Evil!!!

Just so that it will not be forgotten when we have conquered it, I am going to put an image of what somebody is doing with the address.

The Scum Of The Internet.

In a way, I guess I am honored that some obscure moneyseeking scoundrels considered the gibberish phrase “contains2” that nobody would ever type into a browser on a whim valuable enough to annex. After all that domain would have no worth at all if not for the efforts of myself and my fellow contains2men (but mostly myself, of course). But that said I’d still rather the domain have not been purchased by someone who isn’t us. Even if only one and three quarters of us actually still care.

And of course they worked in my old nemesis Debt Consolidation. I remember back when everyone else got emails about things I could use like free diplomas, weight loss, penis enlargement and women I was getting more than one email a day about consolidating debt. Oh the shame of it all. (I am proud to say that I actually barely get email spam anymore. Even on my hotmail account). It’s like this whole thing is part of a scheme by the currency lovers that I so strongly dislike to attack me personally.

The main problem with Contains2 being not there is that I’d really enjoy the chance to browse through the old stuff we wrote. Those were good times. Of course we’d not have that problem if Marq was willing to put it up on “” until such time as we win back the original. But someday Hawaii, hot girl and debt consolidation shall fall before our might.

Either way, the link shall remain at the bottom of this page until the outcome has shown itself.

Anyway, I’ll be back after China.


Y’know, since I removed the ability to comment on two of my post (this and this). I have not received ANY spam comments. I wonder what was so special about those that made them targets of all the spammers of the world?

Anyway, I have to come up with a million dollar idea and fast? What do people need more? Robot waiters that are programmed to explode if you order everything in Aramaic or genetically engineered fish who can build underwater statues of birds? I only have the resources to one of these ideas at a time and I have no idea where to start.


Yo, my hostages.
I suppose you want freedom.
Are your parents rich?

Once again, I have nothing particularly interesting to speak of involving my own life. But I do have that trip to New York coming up next month. I anticipate that it, even though very brief, will be pretty sweet. But apart from that, I can honestly say that I could not really tell my life at this point from my life a year ago. There’s really not been much change.

Today I’ll Blame The Spam

Sometimes when I come here to write something, but then spend a time having to clean up the over a hundred spam comments and I just don’t feel like it any more. I honestly do love the Internet and feel that bringing the peoples of the world closer to each other and having so much information at our fingertips is awesome, but the spam just makes me want the whole thing shut off sometimes.

Honestly, I can’t see the appeal the robots that put up the spam have for my site. Ain’t nobody gonna see it. It’s not like Contains2 was, which people actually read. Ain’t nobody here to read this stuff. I don’t even know how the robots found the site.

Speaking of it, I really want Contains2 back online. I guess I’m gonna have to figure out how to make that happen…

Oh Sweet Internets…

Since last weekend I have been without my computer. I’ve gone that long without the Internet, but with no computer at all, it was killing me. And the fear that I had lost everything on my hard drive (which includes all manner of music/pictures/tv shows and things I’ve written dating back at least as far as ten years) made me even more upset. I’m an empty, lonely man and having no computer only made that worse.

What had happened was the mouse locked up while I was playing Counterstrike with Kip. I tried rebooting it to get it working again and it just never came back on. It would come up with a black screen with that little flashing dash where you’re supposed to type, but could not type or do anything. But when it was taken in to be looked at it came up fine for them and now as I try it again here and I haven’t lost my files. I guess that means there was nothing wrong with it beyond “It wasn’t working for a while and now it’s better.” Awesomeness. This makes me happy. I think maybe I’ll start backing stuff up on CDs maybe.

That said, I didn’t miss anything much, it would seem. Two emails and one MSN message. And 38 spam comments on this site. But still, I feel better knowing that.

In other news, tomorrow I shall be getting the last signature needed for my passport application. Soon the PDR shall be spreading his self all over the globe!

I guess that is enough for tonight. I am going to re-enter myself into the World’s Widest Web.