Metal Pie

Why does all the spam that tries to post on my site have to be so complimentary? I’m constantly deleting comments about how interesting and wonderful my site is. Of course, since it isn’t such a great site, at least I can rationalize it by reminding myself that I am deleting lies.


The very best pie.
It has crust that tastes like gold.
And filling like tin.

I realize now that that pie doesn’t really sound so good… But I can’t argue with haiku.

I have just discovered that John Swartzwelder’s Frank Burly novel this year is to be called “The Last Detective Alive” and it will be released this Spring. Sweet. Anyone who likes absurdist comedy really ought to be reading the Frank Burly novels.


I saw a commercial the other day for Cadbury Eggs that played off their usual Easter Bunny commercials by saying that there is Another Bunny who delivers eggs the rest of the year. I find this unfair. If you are going to make the Easter Bunny a part of your advertising campaign, you don’t get to just make some other bunny because you realize it only works on a seasonal basis.

I… have strong opinions about advertising?

Oh well, it seems a worthy complement to my recent post about the spam. Of which I am still getting lots. It is not cool. At least television commercials are a small part of my life what with watching most television online. Plus as grating as they can be at least they aren’t as bizarrely pointless as this spam I’ve been getting. That said, I got one the other day with the (I assume randomly generated) poster name “Plornt” and that name amuses me.

In other television commercial news, a while back I saw a commercial for crackers, right? You know crackers. The commercial had the song “Raise A Little Hell” by Trooper. Someone, some advertising dude, was all like “You know what song is appropriate for a commercial about putting crackers in soup? ‘Raise A Little Hell’ by Trooper.” and there was nobody around who said “Wait, really?”

Spam Go Away Please!

I just had to clear over 130 spam comments from the Book of PDR. What the chunks? Why so much? I’ve been disabling comments on posts that seemed to be getting the most, but the comments keep coming. They’re really making me challenge my belief that robots are cool.

Apart from that, not much. I am several days behind on my attempt at bad novel writing and I shall go work there instead of here.

I’m a Magazine Star.

In the upper right hand corner, behind the other people? That’s me. Also, my friends Terry and Buffy are there and a friend we met in our travels who is actually responsible for us all being in this magazine. And I totally rode one of those camels too. That is, of course, from my trip to the China. Who can say what other things I have done have turned up in magazines without me ever knowing? I think maybe it should be my goal to get into a magazine on every continent. That would be swell.

In other news, I really have to wonder about the quality of the spam comments that try to get onto my site sometimes. I’m going through them as I speak and I’ve got one here that has no links and consists only of text saying “Comment1” which is hardly going to get people to know which erection pills to buy. I can only assume that the robots who do this spamming know their job better than I do, but it seems pointless. Even more pointless than thinking someone would be on my page to click the spam links if it had been included.


This week’s distraction that kept me from other things: The Ghostbusters Video Game. Totally worth it. It is awesome to get to be a Ghostbuster. Plus, I got the chance to bust that library ghost woman from the first movie, thus getting her back for creeping out a young PDR in his impressionable youth. Take that, Old Lady!

Now I want someone to make a video game of Filmation’s Ghostbusters as competition for the other one. Then we can fight ghosts in the future as well.


The dead rise from Hell.
Usually, that’s not so great.
But today, it’s cool.

Also, my website is getting a whole bunch of spam coming after it again. I’m certain that this website is among those least useful for advertising things, but apparently I was wrong because I’ve had to shut off comments on a bunch of old posts just to keep up with the spamming. Spam knows better than me, I suppose.