The Moon is Overrated

Okay, so this is my second attempt at doing a post today, the first having been met with some sort of error that prevented it from working. What the chunks was that about, Internet?

Take note: with yesterday’s post we come to the rushed conclusion of the most recent SecGov story. That one kinda drifted away from where I had planned to take it and then, when it came time to wrap it up, I didn’t have much room left. My next story shall hopefully be better structured. That’s what this is after all, an attempt to learn how to do this crap.

But before I get to that next story, we’ve got something altogether different for SecGov next week. More on that, next week.


Why go to the moon?
I like it better right here.
I don’t want to go.

Man, what does that haiku have against the moon? I mean, sure, maybe it is a lot of effort to get there, there’s not much to see when you get there, and there’s a lot of risk of something going wrong, but… well, no, I guess I agree with the haiku now. Still, if we got our act together and did more space work, we’d have most of those problems fixed

So we definitely had some warm weather the last couple days. My apartment had the kind of sweltering hard-to-sleep daytimes that I associate with Summer. It’s cooler today, so my sleep was more efficient, you will all be glad to know.

Anyway, there was probably more to have said, but I’m not going to bother, instead opting to end here and find out if it post this time.

Hey, it’s Adventure Dennis off the Internet

Adventure Dennis Whiteboard Sketch

It is not often that I bother to draw Adventure Dennis by hand, so this sketch I did on Marq’s whiteboard a few months back is clearly of historical significance. I’m told it is gone now, but here is a picture Marq was nice enough to take first for posterity.


All the drunken cows
are making it hard on me
because they hate me.

I have supposedly been trying to bang out a quick crappy novel that I can publish on the Internet over the last couple weeks. I’ve only got a little bit done, but suddenly I’ve been doing all sorts of other things. Funny how procrastination on one thing can actually make me more active on other things.

December 26th Comics

Okay, first up is a story about a guy who is just a head and fights crime. It’s Hover Head.

That’s just the first page. You have to click if you want any more.

I started that, as I have said elsewhere, before I got the SecGov Robots strip rolling. Up until that point I was reluctant to waste any of my actual story ideas on something that I would be drawing, because I suck. As such, this isn’t as much a story as it is a character piece. But now that I’ve changed my mind about the whole process, I should be able to do an actual story with Hover Head and his friends in the New Year. But not right away. I’ve got other stuff to do first. (It vexes me that I chose Hover Head from the group to be the focus because I figured him being bodiless would make him easier to draw, but instead he turns out to be a blatant advertising of my inability to draw a face the same two times in a row)

Also, I wonder what the Phone Guys are up to today:

Oh. I guess that that is what they are up to. Alright then. I don’t wonder any more.

Oh hey, I said no more SecGov Robots this year, but I had some downtime at work last night, so I MS Painted this into existence:

Because what this strip needs is more new robots. That would be SecGov City’s top reporter and top scientist, whose first names I haven’t deduced yet and whose last names can be determined by their colors. So there you go.

A rushed post

Okay, I don’t have to be in work as early as usual today, so I’ve got some time, let’s see what I can post about.

Earlier this month, Loius C. K. put out his most recent comedy special exclusively online skipping the whole television network thing. Even though I can’t even so much afford things really these days he’s only asking five bucks (American, I assume, but didn’t notice), so I figured it was probably possible for me to spend five bucks without it killing me (the jury is still out though). Anyway, I got the special and now I’m talking about it on my website. He remains to entertain me. Any comedy show that begins with pointing out that the audience is a large enough sampling of people that someone there is bound to be dead by the holidays is up my alley. I’m giving it Four out of Six Pieces of PDR’s Reviewing System Cake. It’s not the best of his specials that I have seen, but it is still great. And it is cheap. Keep that in mind anyone wanting some entertainment.


The owl was not there.
But then, who was saying “Hoo”?
And where was the owl?

Apart from that, not much else is going on. As I say, I am soon going to work. I spent much of today trying to work on things I’d like to get done before the New Year rolls around (so it looks like I got more done this year). Mostly I’m trying to finish the Hover Head story I mentioned I’d be starting around this time last year. I did indeed start it in the early bits of 2011, but then my focus shifted more to the SecGov Robots and I let this one drag out. Either way, it shall be done by Monday I am certain, and then I won’t have to worry about it any more. And all of you may continue not caring.

Anyway, not I have to get ready to go to work.

November 14th Comics

Hey, it sure is a good thing I took my site back from Marq and then proceeded to not have time to write anything all week isn’t it? No, not really. Anyway, since all of this was done ahead of time, at least I can give you the week’s comics:

SecGov Robots:

Phone Guys: