
Today I had a box of cereal and a carton of milk that both became empty at the same time! That almost never happens! Now I don’t have to go buy more milk or more cereal to use up the rest of whatever remains! Hooray!


Man lands on the sun.
He says “I guess they were wrong”
and gets shark attacked.

I’d be complaining about cleaning thousands of spam comments again this week, but I’m getting as sick of seeing myself write about that as I am about seeing me complain about work. So I won’t. And anyway, I have to go to work now. Which sucks.

Weather related smalltalk, I guess.

Today was a good day. On the topic of today, the weather is quite nice by PDR standards. I’d heard all these predictions that we’d be having the snowiest year in a figurative forever, but so far I don’t think we’ve had enough cumulative snowfall to hide the corpse of that hobo you would have accidentally hit when your car skidded off the road because of all the snow. There’s people out there who like to experience their holidays with snow, and sure I’d be happy for them if they had it, but I’ll personally take the bleak rainy overcast days we’ve got. I suspect it would be more popular if it wasn’t so dark, cloudy, and chilly but since I am, y’know, a creature of the night, the darkness is no problem for me. In fact since I currently do not own sunglasses, it is ideal. I wouldn’t mind a few less bone-chilling breezes, but hey, I’ll take what I can get. I mean, since there was no snow, you didn’t hit the hobo, so you don’t even need to hide his corpse! See how much better that is?

On the less cool side of this weather: the other day there was a total lunar eclipse, right? Some people even tried to make it extra cool by pointing that it landed on the equinox and that rarely happens apparently. It’s all well and good to enjoy that, but I don’t care ’bout no equinoxes, I just like eclipses. It was not visible, though, because of all those clouds that gave me the darkness earlier. Hey clouds! At night it is already dark. I don’t need you to save me from the sun at night.

Phone Guys November 8

Here’s this week’s Phone Guys strip, which indicates I did not get any other comic done this week. But also I have realized that my original plan was incorrect. I’ve got a years worth of Phone Guys but instead of putting them up only when I don’t have another strip, I’ll just put one up every week whether I have another one or not. That way, on the weeks I do get other things done, I’ll have two (or more, we can dream) to go. Sound like a plan?

In other news, we have been trying to upgrade the old Book of PDR into WordPress 3. Well, Marq has anyway. I don’t know how ANY of this stuff works. But anyway, apparently we can’t do it because of a file size limit on importing old posts and my website apparently being too big. This, I say, is LAME. Apparently this upgrade would help fight spam, so that alone is reason enough for me to wish I was there. And I’m not. WordPress, you’ve hurt my feelings.


So when I was a kid I saw a UFO. It was when I was walking to school one day, probably this was around 1990 or so. As UFO sightings go, it is really on the boring side of the scale. I have tried to represent it as best I can recall in the three panels above which depict it as it flies in front of a cloud. As you can see, it’s just kinda blue and white. The exact blue of the sky and the exact white of the cloud. Because of that it really seems more like atmospheric phenomena than alien spacecraft, but hopefully that is just what they want us to think.


Boring UFO.
Probably not aliens.
I am still your friend.

So that is my UFO story. Not much, but it’s all I got, so I’d thought I’d add it to the Book of PDR on this similarly nice day. Of course, now that I’m not nine, a nice day like this doesn’t make for a nice UFO-spottin’ walk to school. Nowadays it means a sweltering apartment where the heat wakes me up after four hours and I just can’t get back to sleep. Oh how times change.

So anyway, while I am sure that the universe is big enough that alien life must be out there, they haven’t visited me yet. When they do, I’ll put in a good word for the rest of you.

It’s Full Of Stars…

So today was a hurricane hitting us day here in Halifax. It didn’t really amount to much of anything more than a typical storm as far as I could see. I went out for a couple of walks, one during the hurricane day and one after at night. I got soaked during the first one (which is of course the point of going for a walk in a hurricane). The second was just about as clement as weather can get. I like rain, but I’d still consider the second walk superior because of all the stars showing through.

The hurricane was named Bill. Every day of work in the few days leading up to the weekend had an article talking about Hurricane Bill and my mind always, just for a second assumed it was about how we’d be paying for the hurricane. Stupid mind.


If Vikings are here,
Who’s to say there ain’t Baboons?
Those types both hang out.

My ability to recognize constellations seems to be kaput. I can find Orion when he’s around (I don’t think he is at the moment) and occasionally I think I can find a Dipper, but that’s it. No wonder I haven’t been accepted into Awesome Space Guy School yet.