Some Updates on PDR

Can’t really think of anything good to say, so instead I will proved status updates on PDR for everyone who follows his life:

Hey, remember how I was fighting a particularly tenacious wart on my left index finger? Well, as of January I have been able to say that I have won that battle. I suspect that I could have had that wart beaten at least six months earlier. I suspect that what I was dousing with Compound W for the last few months was not the wart but just callouses left by the constant warfare. Go figure.

I doubt I ever got around to mentioning it on this site, but another battle I have been waging for a few years was this melody I had a slight memory of but I couldn’t figure out what song it was from. Well, I finally figured it out. It was “You Won’t Dance With Me” by April Wine. Probably the reason I couldn’t find it sooner was that I was certain the song I was looking for was from the 50s. Oh well. I know better now.


You can’t break an egg
Until you tell it some lies.
That’s just how it works.

Final PDR update. I am pretty sure I am a werewolf. Hairy shoulders. Mammal. Sometimes I see the full moon. It all adds up.

And that’s that.

PDR Update

It has been some time since last time so this time I’ll take the time to… uh… post.

Anyway, I’m like really close to finishing Adventure Dennis. Like really close. So all you fans who don’t actually exist need not wait much longer.

In other news, I have not yet received any powers from aliens or wizards or the Secret Government. So… That’s about all I have to say.

Someone should get to work.

The Wikipedia page for Raisin Bread is really lax. I mean, I guess it is, after all, just bread with raisins in it… But still.

Let’s see what else I have to speak about…

I’ve been longing to return to New York City. My last trip was over a year ago now and my urge to go back is much stronger than my urge to go there in the first place. I get the impression that I am a fan of New York City.

That’s it for now. I hope it was worth the wait.


So here I’m a more than a fortnight into the new year and I’ve just been forgetting to put anything on my little site here. That’s a sad little start, isn’t it?

But also I can’t think of anything to say.

I still have no idea what ever happened to Golden Grahams.

That’s all I got.


Now, it may appear that I accidentally shaved my sideburns off, but in truth I only accidentally shaved one of them off and shaved the other to match. See? I’m not as stupid as it may appear.

In other news, I don’t have much other news. Except of course for the fact that I’ve grown three extra arms. But I think everyone got that this week…

Over the course of the last week or two I bought and watched the entire run thus far of 30 Rock. Having never seen the episodes in their intended order, it was nice to finally do so. It’s certainly a quality show.