Someone should get to work.

The Wikipedia page for Raisin Bread is really lax. I mean, I guess it is, after all, just bread with raisins in it… But still.

Let’s see what else I have to speak about…

I’ve been longing to return to New York City. My last trip was over a year ago now and my urge to go back is much stronger than my urge to go there in the first place. I get the impression that I am a fan of New York City.

That’s it for now. I hope it was worth the wait.

  1. That’s it for now. I hope it was worth the wait.

    The raisin bread part was. Though I will point out, in a not-so-subtle hinting kind of way, that there is almost literally nothing that would be easier for you personally to do than to edit a Wikipedia page.

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