Comics May 28th

I am a little late on the comics today, but when I realized that all I had to offer was the Phone Guys:

I wanted to make it marginally better and do something else to go with it. So this happened:

But then, as if lightning from a strange blue void, Marq did some manner of guest comic which can be found below:

Bits of Stuff

Okay, I can’t really think of anything to talk about today, so I’ll just say what’s going on. Marq has added a dropdown menu to the sidebar there (—> There) that will let one navigate through the various Secret Government Robot story arcs. That will help anyone who actually has cause to look through the stories.

In related news, later this month I plan on adding SecGov updates to Saturdays. I’m currently just ahead of schedule enough to delude myself into thinking that this’ll work. It’ll probably be rough at first, but it will allow me to get through the stories that much quicker. I would be doing a page a day if I could keep up with the pace.


The sun sets on Mars.
The Martians watch with delight.
Nothing else to do.

Anyway, as I said, I don’t have much else to say. I’ve got five minutes until I have to start getting ready for work… Gotta think of something to say… uh… Giant Enormous Face Eats The Train And Dies!

So… That’s what I said. Can’t take it back now. And I gotta go.

Twit Is Still An Insult!

I am now on the Twitter. Who would have thought that this could have ever occurred? How many people bothered to think about it at all? Apart from me, probably not many. I guess a lot has changed since 2009. I still don’t have one of those mobile devices that let’s one do the Internet from wherever they want, but I’ve softened on the idea that I can’t fit my thoughts into small chunks. I’m totally going to start cutting my thoughts into bite-size chunks now forever.

You can totally see my first post directly under this one. Why is that? That is because Marq, my near-silent partner in this whole website endeavour, has set things up so anything I post on Twitter still ends up here, on the site where I obsessively collect everything I do! Hooray! Thanks, Marq!

So the moral of this story is, things barely change for people reading the site, but I’m also out on other sites. Kinda neat.

General Updateyness

Okay, as I said previously, today’s SecGov update is just some single thing I doodled at work one time long ago. But unlike I said previously, it will not be immediately followed by my next storyline. Instead, to give me just a little bit more time to heal my drawing parts, Marq will be back on Thursday’s page with another single page strip. Then, hopefully, next week will be back in action.

In other news, I think I have updated all the automatic credit card payments that I need to with my new credit card information. It is a relief to have it done, though in the process I discovered that there has been a thirty dollar a month payment I have been making for years and I simply don’t know what it was for. All this time I just assumed it had something to do with the site, but apparently not. The website it says I am paying has no explanation of what they do or anything. So I am not giving these people my new information (and anyway I don’t think I would know how to do so if I wanted to).

Assuming this doesn’t turn out to be something important that I don’t understand, it is perfectly likely that I am about to stop paying an unnecessary monthly fee that I have probably sunk thousands into at this point.

Artists All Over

Okay, today marks the end of the story of Stanislav Blue in Secret Government Robots. It has been great having Marq on the art duties for this one. He took a story I wrote off the cuff and made improvements that I couldn’t have done on my own, and it is great to see my words become images without actually having to be the one making those images. Thanks Marq!

Next week will start with a single strip that I made up at a boring night at work a few months back that I need to use before it becomes irrelevant, but then I can jump into my next full-length story. So that’s something.

In the meantime, I have not been living a completely artless life. I already mentioned my first watercolor painting, which I have titled “It’s Like A Metaphor For Life Or Something” and now I present my second:

I call it “Nude Ascending A Staircase (Inside A Rocketship)”:

rocketship watercolor

And I’ve still got one more frame I want to use up. When the inspiration hits, look out art world.