Hey, isn’t it about time for a new painting by master artist Patrick D Ryall? I bet it is! I was right! It is called Dream Dong:

Thanks to my friends Allison and Kip, who respectively provided the idea and the name for this piece.
I had exactly enough time yesterday to do one art. So I did. I’ve finished filling all those frames I had last year with watercolor paintings, so this year I’m working on actual canvas. Here is my first result, a piece I call “Unidentified Flying Watermelon”:

Well, I feel I must apologize for destroying art. As shown above, the paintings I made this year are actually hanging in an art gallery. Sorry everybody. Sorry art. Look, they’ve got little things with the names on them and everything:
It’s educational for me, though (and not only because I learned how easy it is to besmirch the concept of art). As for the medium of my works, it turns out that it is “tempera” which does, I admit, sound fancier than Crayola watercolors.
Thanks to Marq for the photos.
Hey everyone! Even with my still-healing finger(s) I have bothered to do another watercolor painting!
I have entitled this piece “Glenn“:

With this and my previous efforts I have been successful in my mission to find something to stick in the three frames I had. That done with, I can now retire undefeated from the watercolor scene. I can reveal now that I suck at watercolor painting, though I can blame at least a little bit of that on the fact that regular paper is probably not the best thing to use with it. It absorbs all the paint and curls up and everything you expect from wet paper.
I am, however, craving an attempt at some proper painting now, though. When I get any further results in the medium of smearing stuff on other stuff, I will let you know.
Okay, today marks the end of the story of Stanislav Blue in Secret Government Robots. It has been great having Marq on the art duties for this one. He took a story I wrote off the cuff and made improvements that I couldn’t have done on my own, and it is great to see my words become images without actually having to be the one making those images. Thanks Marq!
Next week will start with a single strip that I made up at a boring night at work a few months back that I need to use before it becomes irrelevant, but then I can jump into my next full-length story. So that’s something.
In the meantime, I have not been living a completely artless life. I already mentioned my first watercolor painting, which I have titled “It’s Like A Metaphor For Life Or Something” and now I present my second:
I call it “Nude Ascending A Staircase (Inside A Rocketship)”:

And I’ve still got one more frame I want to use up. When the inspiration hits, look out art world.