National Bookorderin’ Day

As I said, I am starting a tradition wherein I will order my year’s supply of when John Swartzwelder’s latest book is released. This year that is the Fifty Foot Detective, which has recently become orderable on Amazon. So I have ordered this latest chapter of Frank Burly absurdity and alongside it some other books including Towing Jehova, (a book which I first heard about in my childhood on Prisoners of Gravity (a Canadian show about sci-fi). but I could never remember what it was called until I realized the Internet could probably tell me) and A Man of the People (For years I thought Chinua Achebe had only written four novels and that I’d read them all, but then it turns out I plumb forgot about this one). I love books and it makes me happy to have some coming my way. Hooray!

PDR’s Controversial Views: Here’s why I think we should get rid of transvestites

I just don’t understand crossdressing. More specifically, I can’t understand why certain clothes would be assigned to certain genders. Why are dresses supposed to be just for women? It seems pretty arbitrary to me.

I guess I’m lucky that my preferred outfit, jeans and a t-shirt, is pretty much standard dude fare and that I am a dude. Thus my outfit lines up with my gender. But what if a dude wants to wear a dress? What if that is what he feels better wearing? Why do people think that’s weird? I can think of no logical reason for it. Except for maybe undergarments that actually conform to the shape of the bits they cover, clothes serves its purpose regardless of which gender it is on, right?

It is nice that for most of a century now women in men’s clothes has pretty much become accepted, but the other way around is still generally ridiculed just because of these rules that are ingrained into society for no good reason.

Anyway, since I apparently assume the Internet is some kind of voting device, I am hereby voting for the erasing of any stigmas that are still involved with crossdressing. Of course doing so would probably kind of ruin it for any people out there who get a thrill out of the “naughtiness” of dressing in clothes that aren’t “supposed” to go with their gender, but I’m sure they’ll figure out something to replace it with. My vote is for the people who just want to dress in what they like.

And then the chopper lands on the tank.

So this weekend I got a new story up and an old story up. The latter, I’m pretty sure, even predated Contains2. I have no idea why it was not already on this site. The former was based entirely around the title, which I thought up at work one time.


Action hero man
shoots the gas tank just two times.
The chopper explodes.

So…. Frogs are pretty cool… so there’s that…

I think that’s it from me today…

Flammable vs. Inflammable: The Real Story

Many years ago (The Bronze age) in a kingdom called England there lived a scientist named Robert J. Inflammable. From the time of his first words (”Biology”) his parents could tell that Robert would grow up to be a genius. He was enrolled in the best school England had to offer (The Michigan Institute of […]