The Moon is Overrated

Okay, so this is my second attempt at doing a post today, the first having been met with some sort of error that prevented it from working. What the chunks was that about, Internet?

Take note: with yesterday’s post we come to the rushed conclusion of the most recent SecGov story. That one kinda drifted away from where I had planned to take it and then, when it came time to wrap it up, I didn’t have much room left. My next story shall hopefully be better structured. That’s what this is after all, an attempt to learn how to do this crap.

But before I get to that next story, we’ve got something altogether different for SecGov next week. More on that, next week.


Why go to the moon?
I like it better right here.
I don’t want to go.

Man, what does that haiku have against the moon? I mean, sure, maybe it is a lot of effort to get there, there’s not much to see when you get there, and there’s a lot of risk of something going wrong, but… well, no, I guess I agree with the haiku now. Still, if we got our act together and did more space work, we’d have most of those problems fixed

So we definitely had some warm weather the last couple days. My apartment had the kind of sweltering hard-to-sleep daytimes that I associate with Summer. It’s cooler today, so my sleep was more efficient, you will all be glad to know.

Anyway, there was probably more to have said, but I’m not going to bother, instead opting to end here and find out if it post this time.


I wanted to see if my Early Morning Snow Sculpting skills had improved any since I made the Snow Duck, so when I got off work to see a layer of fluffy, packy snow was on the ground and the weather was pleasant, I went back to the Halifax Commons with a vengeance to make an animal I like even better than ducks. Stegosaurus!

I certainly don’t have the skill to make a standing Stegosaurus. I wasn’t even stupid enough to try that. But it turned out, I actually have no idea how the best dinosaur would have slept. I elected for “head down on forelimbs like a dog” because it seemed easier than “On a pile of notes from other dinosaurs admitting that Stegosaurus was the best”. Note are had to make in the medium of snow.

So anyway, this is my guy. He’s pretty small, but that’s okay, because he is clearly just a baby. He would definitely have grown into a mighty Snowgasaur whom even the Ice Age would be powerless to stop. He’d be eating all the snow peas and iceberg lettuce that I assume would have been around.

I like him, but I know I could have done better. If I’d planned this ahead of time I could have prepared. Even beyond reminding myself what they actually looked like, let alone seeing how they would have slept or how their legs bent. Also, I could have used carrots for that thagomizer spikes. That would have been sweet. Also, maybe wearing a pair of gloves. My hands are cold.

But anyway, the weather is supposed to get warm today, so this won’t be in town long. Bye snowgasaurus, thanks for dropping in.

Snow Duck

Made at 4:30 in the morning in the Halifax Commons while listening to Led Zeppelin. Because if I didn’t do it, who would?


I fed an apple to some horsies yesterday! Yaaaayyy!

Today, meanwhile, is way too hot. It’s getting to that part of the Summer I don’t like. The Summery part.

Heat, like a blanket, covers the city
and like a pillow smothers without pity.

Summer is like what you have on your bed, I’m saying basically.

Alternate Hot and Cool

I guess it is worth mentioning that I made it to payday without running out of food. On the weekend my mother made a turkey dinner and I took home some leftovers which lasted for two days after that. And I also ended up buying a pizza with credit that I shouldn’t be spending. And today I got groceries and I am only, practically, out of money again instead of actually out of money again.


Deliver the mail
and you will be my best friend.
I’m quite pro-Mail Man.

I did not realize how much I liked mail men. Go figure.

Anyway, in a continuation of my thoughts from last week, it is still Winter here. We’ve been getting snow regularly enough that there are actual snowbanks as tall as me, which was the exact sort of thing I remembered from my youth that I knew we weren’t getting as much of lately. While it is somewhat reassuring to have things “back to normal” after several years of Barely-Winters, I still prefer the Barely-Winters because they’re easier to get through. Heaven help me if I ever actually have to go through a Heavy-Winter. When I got home from work last night my street was blocked off so that what seemed to be an army of plows could get rid of all the snow built up. It’s nice to be on an important street instead of some rural one who is lucky to see a plow.

But in spite of the Winter, I was awakened early today by sweltering heat in my apartment as the sun beat down on my windows. I was all dehydrated. Sigh. I can’t wait until I’m old enough that I can complain constantly about the temperature without feeling like I’m too young to be doing so.