Comics, February 28, 2011

I’ve two more pages of Secret Government Robots for you all today. Here we see that the Secret Government Army Cadets have finally found some supernatural phenomena:

Also, there’s those Phone Guys again. The only supernatural phenomenon here is how dumb Pete is:

My Memories

The nostalgic theme of my post yesterday reminded me of this old gem from Contains2, so I am now bringing it back to the Online. Someday aliens are going to use this website to recreate my mind, so I better make it as complete as possible, right? Anyway, here is “My Memories”: My memory, like […]

Happy Halloween Day!

Hey, guess what. It’s a little known holiday called Halloween. I love when that happens, even if I’m not doing anything to celebrate it this year, really.


The ghosts are coming.
You ask why. I will tell you:
I told them to come.

Of course, Halloween has its down side. All those kids who will end up sacrificing themselves to Satan. What a waste. They could have sacrificed themselves to me instead…

Though I work tonight, I think I’ll try to watch some Halloween-appropriate movies this weekend.

May I Go Home Now?

It’s effing May! How the chunks does that happen? I demand it be February again! Of 2002 if possible. But alas…

I don’t have much to say, as usual. Do ghosts dream? Can time travellers vote? Will the moon ever shut up? Can frogs become cyborgs?

The answer to some of those questions is “no”.

I don’t want to go to work.