PDR Be Fastshoppin’

Well, I messed up my sleeping habits, so I am awake in the daytimes today. And so, inspired by Pete and Jeremy’s recent antics, I went to the Farmers’ Market, since I probably haven’t gone to it since I wrote that strip last year. Anyway, the trip made me realize that I am not a shopper. I’m just a buyer. By this, I mean, I don’t walk around and browse. It’s like a twenty-five minute walk to the market and then I within five minutes I had bought apples, cider, strawberries and a cupcake and left the building. It makes the whole trek there seem like wasted time. Then I have to walk back. If the stuff wasn’t so delicious, it’d hardly be worth it.

I also noticed that I am terrible at carrying many purchases in my hands at once with any amount of ease. But I pretty much already knew that. Hey Kiiip, remember that time at the Superstore when the pie slid out of the box and shattered on the floor and then I went to try to pick it up I dropped a bottle of juice and it shattered on the floor as well?

DVDs… But why?

Over this last week I have purchased seven DVDs from Blockbuster locations that are dying here in Halifax. Now, I love my DVD collection and its extensiveness, (as shown in this here not even up-to-date list) so I am quite pleased to be adding to it for the first time in quite a while.

That said, with every DVD I add to the collection I also add to my annoyance, because I know I shouldn’t have a DVD collection at all. At the place where human technological development is, there is simply no need for it. Ideally all the movies (and music and so on) would be kept in a vast repository online where we could all see the movies we want, when we want. These physical copies of the movies that I so enjoy are entirely pointless. And yet I still like them. It’s rough being a greatly self-contradictory fellow.

Of course, when DVDs are finally an obsolete technology, this collection is going to seem like a lot of wasted time and effort.

(For the record, I’ve just realized that one of my new seven DVDs is Fullscreen. I didn’t even know they still had those.)

They keep talking to me…

I feel I must state something for the benefit of all people who might want to come up to me and say something. I am not listening. If you come up to me and start talking I will not notice right away unless you get my attention first. This applies to people on the street, people at work, people pretty much anywhere. And yet it seems like people just love to walk up to me and start talking. They’ll stand beside me, or even behind me, and they just assume I am listening while they say things like “Sure is hot today, huh?” or “How was work last night?” or whatever, but what they don’t realize is that I do not maintain a constant state of awareness at what people are saying around me. If you’ve not got my attention, I’m going to assume you are speaking to someone else and I will remain in the state of mental detachment from reality where I spend as much time as possible. That is all. I hope this helps all you random people in the future.

A Dash of Yellow

At some point during the week I was in the office at work and I heard some guy on the radio complaining, like a lot, about dandelions. I have to wonder why people hate dandelions so much. I like them. I think they look nice. They add some color to the grass. Why that so bad?


Yellow in my brain
making all my thoughts come out
and fall on the floor.

Thinking about color, it occurred to me that something can be “Yellowy” but not “Purpley” or “Reddy” or whatever. You’ve got “Purplish” and “Reddish” and “Bluish” and all that stuff. My spellcheck tells me that “Yellowish” is okay, so why does yellow get a bonus one with “Yellowy”? It’s a conspiracy of some kind, I am sure.