Poor Wet Italian Bastards.

It is really very nice outside today. Way better here than in Italy, I bet. It’s probably raining in Italy. Those poor Italian bastards. Soaked to the bone and crying because they accidentally locked themselves out of the house.

In Nova Scotia, grocery stores are not supposed to be open on Sundays, see. But lately they’ve been going through loopholes that let smaller stores open and even more lately the bigger stores have been opening parts of their stores. I don’t know if the Superstore by me is going to be open, but if it is, I’m going to complain that the cannibalism section isn’t open. If they say they don’t have a cannibalism section, I’ll call them racist. That’s why I support Sunday shopping.

Actually, I probably won’t even check if the Superstore is open tomorrow. I’ll probably sleep instead.

Advice For Those Who Need It.

A word of advice: It is better to give someone aid, than it is to give someone AIDS. Think about it.

I got off work nice and early today, but then I wasted it by taking a nap. Of course, if I hadn’t I wouldn’t be awake now, so who knows what the correct choice was? Not me.


Alarm clock ringing.
Soon is time for pottery.
Clay people rise up!

And with that, I bid another wasted day farewell and hope that the Langoliers enjoy it to the last drop.


What the chunks is gclef? I did the crossword puzzle in the newspaper at work yesterday and it all adds up but five across…

GCLEF? Honestly?

Needless to say, I’ve a few cross words for this puzzle. Ahhh. Good job, me. Anyway, the newspaper that reveals the answers of this one is probably just finished coming off the presses right now. But I don’t work tomorrow, so I’ll not likely see it. Ah well. Every other answer seems right…

In other news, I think I overheard that there’s an election tomorrow. I don’t care mostly, but last time there was an election they set up in the lobby of my building and totally got in my way and stuff. I was inconvenienced for entire seconds. Why, if I were a true man I would have flown into a rage and killed someone. That’s what men do these days.

Hot Damn!

Somehow I managed to forget until I walked into the building that I have two days off now. Granted, they’ll go by so much faster than I want and I won’t get as much done as I’d like, but somehow forgetting about them makes them even sweeter right now.

And how better to start them, then get five and a half hours of sleep?

PDR Accomplishes.

Well, I actually managed to get a few things done today, both in cleaning my room and here on the Book of PDR.

Cleaning, I have hit upon something that will help. From now on, I’m keeping my clothes on the shelving unit which is easier to get to and can hold much more than the dresser. The dresser, on the other hand, will now contain all the stuff that was on the shelving unit. I rarely need to get to any of it, so it can stay in the drawers. Makes good sense.

And then I took two of my old articles and pasted them here. I mean, sure, I’ve only done one new Article since starting the Book, but at least I’m doing something. Speaking of which, I need to prod Marq into doing all the design stuff here that he’s supposed to do. Poor Marq, the work ethic of a rock, the teaching skills of a rock and if I try and do something wrong he’ll hit me with a rock.

Oh, and before I forget I own an Oppo Rancisis action figure now! It may not be the bo-staff I joined Ebay to buy, but it’s something. And no, I’m not explaining who Oppo Rancisis is. I don’t owe you people with lives anything.