Monetary Concerns

Money, money, money, money. Money! What is that stuff? What’s it’s problem? PDR tries to share his answers to this and more within.

You’re Being Stalked!

Suppose a serial killer is after you, but just as he’s about to lunge and kill you, he is caught in a bear trap. Would you then be worried about potential bear attacks that the trap could have prevented?

I’m procrastinating more than I used to. That’s not a good thing. I’ll have to get on that. Unfortunately, it’ll have to wait. Right now, I’m thinking I could use some sleep.


I was reading the complete Bone collection in a restaurant yesterday and some guy who said he was on some school board somewhere became interested. He said kids today don’t read enough (no doubt!) and that they are looking for things to stock their library with something more interesting than the classics. Now I have nothing against the classics personally, but I’m happy to say he wrote down the title and author and everything, so I assume he actually plans on looking up the book. See, I can still make a difference in the world around me.

But tomorrow, I won’t be making any difference, that’s for sure. I’ll just be back at work. I’m glad I had today off though, what with it being the 666 day and all. I assume the anti-Christ was born today, so to all you new mothers: Kill Your Child!

Let’s see, what else do I have to talk about? Uh… I’m still depressed by humanity. And it seems like forever since anything has gone up at Homestar Runner. And damn, I wish I didn’t have to go to work in the morning…

Another Workday…

I hope the walk wakes me up a little, because right now I’m way tired and I still have a whole night of work ahead of me.


When will the frog stop?
Will he go on forever?
Does his journey end?

Also, I’m nearing the end of the Minish Cap. That makes me way cooler than most people living in Third World nations.