They Probed Me.

I’ve complained about linear time being too fast for my liking and I’ve complained about not having anything interesting to write about. Those are my standard things I blame not writing here more on. Today I’m gonna blame something else: I was abducted by aliens. It isn’t necessarily true, but it’s good to have some variety in my excuses.

There were a couple questionnaires in the newspaper today. One for how depressed you are, one for how stressed out you are. According to the stress one, I’m living a good life. According to the depression one, I should be seeking medical help. Sounds about like I suspected.


Aboard the spaceship.
All the aliens were sad.
They had no robots.

The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel. That’s what I’m listening to right now. Good song. One of my favorites probably. I remember I looked it up on the Wikipedia once and it said it was supposed to be about the way the nation felt after JFK was shot, but it doesn’t sound right to me. If I were to pick my meaning, I would say it sounds more like a warning against people letting their interactions become hollow and meaningless.

But all of that and I still get the words mixed up in my head and replace them with “‘Your exploits have been sad and boring. They tell a tale that’s worth ignoring. When you’re alone, the words of your story will echo down the resthome hall” from the Simpsons. Ah the Simpsons. Good stuff.

More Spirit Of Our Times

That Zeitgeist documentary I mentioned a few posts ago has a sequel. I like this one a whole lot more. Most of it feels exactly like the stuff I’ve been saying all along. Currency worship and wage slavery. Yeah, that’s the stuff. It’s always nice to see someone else out there has similar ideas. It helps fight the loneliness.

Kids tomorrow won’t rock.

If we made children carry heavy rocks as they grew up, they’d probably grow up really strong with rock shapes permanently imprinted into them. Seems like a win-win situation to me. And they can celebrate turning twenty by finally being allowed to pass their rocks on to new kids. They’ll be called Generation Rock. Because they will suck as a generation, the phrase “that rocks” will fade away and be replaced by “that barks” and the downward spiral of civilization shall continue.

Ah well. It started off as a good plan.

Apart from this, I have little to report. So I won’t. Go away.

I Am The Spirit Of The Times

I had seen the movie Zeitgeist mentioned by several of my friends on Facebook over the last year, so when I saw a link to one of the parts of the movie I thought I could sit down and watch that part. It was all about my hated enemies money and corporate greed, after all. I guess I skipped parts one and two and cursory research says they’re about Religion and the attacks on the World Trade Center, so I don’t feel like I missed much.

For the most part, the film holds up as an interesting string of connections and theories. I don’t know how much of it is accurate, and really how could I research these facts myself? Google? I’d end up with more facts of the same nebulous value. The film’s position as a subversive documentary bringing shocking facts to daylight works against it for me. I can’t help but think they’d be willing to state something as a certainty when, in fact it is still only a theory, just to get their point across.

That said, I’m still on their side. I believe that the greedy people want to keep their wealth and will do bastardly things to do so. I could definitely see someone wanting to create an ongoing war as a means of keeping profits rolling in. And the government allowing schools to slip in value to keep people dumb and distracted? Yeah, I buy that.

Just a few comments:

I’m willing to accept the idea that maybe, just maybe, a shadowy organization that controls things allowed an opening for an attack on America, but to say they specifically caused the attacks on the World Trade Center does kinda write off the actual complaints of angry and desperate Muslim people as meaningless. There are very real issues that allow people in other countries to hate the “Civilized World” such as poverty and our perceived indifference. If we were to all work together helping get the rest of the world up to our own standards of living and education, it wouldn’t be as easy for the manipulators to find guys willing to blow themselves up to prove a point.

Also, the film touches upon the idea of a One World Government just briefly and acts as if it would be a horrible thing. Yes, I don’t want the world to be ruled by one government that is made up of puppets working for corporations, but I think the idea of just one governing body (one that serves the people, rather than rules them) would be a very great thing. Borders are good for locating your geological position, but apart from that, they just serve to separate people.

Right now, the States is going through some pretty rough financial times. It will be interesting to see what the government will be allowed to get away with to get them out of them. If the film is correct, this would be the controllers tightening their grip on the populace to make them accept any way out, no matter how evil.

And that’s it for now.

Interstate 2008

With gas prices as high as they are these days, I find myself wondering “What would Groove Champion do?”

And the answer is obvious. All of you should attach guns to your cars and fight crime and corrupt corporations. Get to it, folks.