Saw Some Movies

Y’know, I sometimes forget to note the minutia of my life on here, which is insane because that is the ostensible reason for this site’s existence. So here I go:

On each of the previous weekends I saw a movie. First was the Hobbit, which I watched with Kip. Secondly, Django Unchained, which I saw with Marq. If these wind up being the only movies I see this year, I will have had a good year in theatres (That scenario is entirely possible, of course, since I can’t afford to see movies. Those ones were paid for by the fine fellows I was with).


It’s Gandalf Unchained!
Coming soon to cinemas!
But your tickets now!

Apparently a local theatre recently had an incident in which a man stood up during a screening of Django and began yelling at the audience calling them sinners and such. According to what I read there were about twenty minutes left at this point. The way I see it, the timing of the outburst makes it much worse for both sides. By this late in the show, the audience really paying attention to the thing. We’re talking the climax here. An interruption at that point is not going to be well received at all. And if the guy wanted to get his message out not to watch the movie, he should have done it much earlier, so that they would have time to get out. Man, I would be so much better at creating a scene in a movie theatre than that guy.

PDR’s Controversial Views: Criminals are jerks.

Now, I don’t want to alienate any of the people in my audience who have chosen the Criminal Lifestyle, but I’ve had a thought formulate over the last year or so. It goes something along the lines of this: If you’ve done a crime, let us say you’ve robbed a bank for example, and you get arrested and put on trial for this and you plead “not guilty” and try to fight the charges. If you do that, I think you’re a bit of a jerk.

Now, the argument could be made that you’re already a jerk because you robbed the bank. Sure. Fair enough. But if you get caught and you did it, trying to get out of it by wasting the court’s time adds to your jerkhood. I’m all for trials to ensure that innocent people don’t get put in jail, but come on, you know you did it. You were there. And sure, you don’t want to go to prison. Who would? But that’s no reason to lie. Quit being so selfish! You were being selfish when you robbed that bank and look where that got you!

So maybe there should be an additional charge for people who are guilty but plead not guilty. Like, in addition to the robbery charges you get another year added to your sentence for wasting everybody’s time. Except that would probably just make things harder for people who actually are not guilty but they can’t prove it, so that’s no good. Man. Criminals are jerks.

Whyatt is a Jerk.

Okay, a long time back I complained about a show called Super Why. (Only at the time I thought it was called Super Readers) Now all the complaints I had do not stop me from watching the show, like, dozens of times since then. Including right now.

The episode started and Why was walking around to see if any of the other Super-Readers wanted to hang out, but they were all busy. Why considers this a “Super Big Problem” which, as always, can only be solved one way: By calling together the Super Readers! So, because all his friends are busy, Whyatt calls all his friends away from what they are doing so they have to help him. Honestly? That’s just cold.

Super Why is one of the most self-centered superheroes ever.

I Am The Spirit Of The Times

I had seen the movie Zeitgeist mentioned by several of my friends on Facebook over the last year, so when I saw a link to one of the parts of the movie I thought I could sit down and watch that part. It was all about my hated enemies money and corporate greed, after all. I guess I skipped parts one and two and cursory research says they’re about Religion and the attacks on the World Trade Center, so I don’t feel like I missed much.

For the most part, the film holds up as an interesting string of connections and theories. I don’t know how much of it is accurate, and really how could I research these facts myself? Google? I’d end up with more facts of the same nebulous value. The film’s position as a subversive documentary bringing shocking facts to daylight works against it for me. I can’t help but think they’d be willing to state something as a certainty when, in fact it is still only a theory, just to get their point across.

That said, I’m still on their side. I believe that the greedy people want to keep their wealth and will do bastardly things to do so. I could definitely see someone wanting to create an ongoing war as a means of keeping profits rolling in. And the government allowing schools to slip in value to keep people dumb and distracted? Yeah, I buy that.

Just a few comments:

I’m willing to accept the idea that maybe, just maybe, a shadowy organization that controls things allowed an opening for an attack on America, but to say they specifically caused the attacks on the World Trade Center does kinda write off the actual complaints of angry and desperate Muslim people as meaningless. There are very real issues that allow people in other countries to hate the “Civilized World” such as poverty and our perceived indifference. If we were to all work together helping get the rest of the world up to our own standards of living and education, it wouldn’t be as easy for the manipulators to find guys willing to blow themselves up to prove a point.

Also, the film touches upon the idea of a One World Government just briefly and acts as if it would be a horrible thing. Yes, I don’t want the world to be ruled by one government that is made up of puppets working for corporations, but I think the idea of just one governing body (one that serves the people, rather than rules them) would be a very great thing. Borders are good for locating your geological position, but apart from that, they just serve to separate people.

Right now, the States is going through some pretty rough financial times. It will be interesting to see what the government will be allowed to get away with to get them out of them. If the film is correct, this would be the controllers tightening their grip on the populace to make them accept any way out, no matter how evil.

And that’s it for now.