Saw Some Movies

Y’know, I sometimes forget to note the minutia of my life on here, which is insane because that is the ostensible reason for this site’s existence. So here I go:

On each of the previous weekends I saw a movie. First was the Hobbit, which I watched with Kip. Secondly, Django Unchained, which I saw with Marq. If these wind up being the only movies I see this year, I will have had a good year in theatres (That scenario is entirely possible, of course, since I can’t afford to see movies. Those ones were paid for by the fine fellows I was with).


It’s Gandalf Unchained!
Coming soon to cinemas!
But your tickets now!

Apparently a local theatre recently had an incident in which a man stood up during a screening of Django and began yelling at the audience calling them sinners and such. According to what I read there were about twenty minutes left at this point. The way I see it, the timing of the outburst makes it much worse for both sides. By this late in the show, the audience really paying attention to the thing. We’re talking the climax here. An interruption at that point is not going to be well received at all. And if the guy wanted to get his message out not to watch the movie, he should have done it much earlier, so that they would have time to get out. Man, I would be so much better at creating a scene in a movie theatre than that guy.

Bein’ Broke

I’ve mentioned numerous times on this site that I’m currently broker than I’ve ever been. Well, that’s still the case. And since I don’t currently have a source of income… well nuts.

So this week I’ve found out how many job application forms I can fill in before my attitude problems start to seep into it. It’s one. One job application form. Luckily, I think I can answer in a such a way that you can’t tell the tone of voice I’m using. Like when they ask “Can we contact employers before your most recent employer for information” and I answer “Yes, though I don’t have contact information for people I worked for a decade ago” they hopefully don’t realize that I’m mentally adding “You FRIGGING IDIOT” to the end.

But, man, my rent is going up in a few months. I don’t care for that at all. But also, upon seeing how much money I made over the Summer, the government decided my student loan should be lessened by about five hundred bucks because they apparently assume I should have more money than I do (they already assumed I had several thousand more than I actually do). I guess next time I’ll look harder for the box I can check that says I was paying nearly a thousand dollars in rent because my terrible roommate did not pay. Thank goodness I have a paying roommate now. It turns out that it is really helpful.

In the meantime, I am also trying to do all kinds of reading for the school year. I’ve got one more class this semester than I did in the last, so I’m expecting to be pretty darn busy. I’m trying to get as much of the reading I need to have done before classes begin. I’m quite a slow reader, so this is not easy. I admit, I chose classes in which I’d already read some material, but there is just so much more to read. I’m pretty sure I can fake some it, but I really am going to try to read as much as I can. And that takes time.

The Unemployed PDR

Well, for the first time in the history of this website, I am not employed at the newspaper job. Last night was my last night. Today I am throwing out a bunch of work clothes. I will not miss that job, but I hope that the place is not too unkind to the people I have left behind in the time that they remain employed there (Though I don’t predict a lot of years remaining in that place).

So the question is, “now what?” I’ve got to find a way to pay rent, of course, so I’m pretty much required to start finding some sort of part time thing. I guess that as soon as these holiday things are over, I’m handing out resumes. It’s been a long time since I’ve done that. Anyway, I’m off school until the Seventh of January, so I’ve still got a few weeks where I will have the time to look, though ideally I’ll be able to find something quickly so I will have some time left over before classes that I can get a few things done for the site.


You have to pay rent
or you don’t deserve to live
you witless bastard.

If any rich people and/or wizards are listening, I will again put forth my assurance that I am willing to take up to half your riches. It’s easy to unburden yourself with PDR’s help! Remember that.

I didn’t want a sequel

Oh how silly I felt as I reached into my pocket to find not a wallet. Usually that pocket contains a wallet, so not a wallet was not what I had expected. I had already been through the whole lost wallet thing once this year and I thought I’d like it if that was the maximum number of times I did so.

Luckily I found the wallet in my apartment. False alarm everybody. But here is the thing: It seems like every time I take my wallet out of my coat, I lose it. Today I went to the school bookstore to get my superexpensive books for my classes, right? They don’t let you take your bags with you into the bookstore, I assume to prevent stealing (because broke students would clearly benefit from having their superexpensive books for free and we can’t have that), and I left my coat with the bag. I wasn’t wearing the coat, just carrying it around (it is like my security blanket as those who know me already know) so leaving it with the bag made more sense to me than putting it on. Thus, I took my wallet from the coat! Anyway, I guess after I bought the superexpensive books (they were appropriately superexpensive), I stuck my wallet in my pants pocket, gathered my stuff, went home, and dumped my pockets. When I left, I gathered my phone and keys, but not the wallet. What an idiot! What an imbecile!

Anyway, when I went back to the bookstore because I had to buy one more superexpensive book, I didn’t have my wallet. I headed back to the apartment, on the way encountering and petting a black cat. I took the kitty visitation as a sign of good luck and, sure enough, my wallet was found. Hooray. But I’m too tired to go back outside tonight, so I will buy the superexpensive book I still need tomorrow.

Now, you may not have noticed, but I have just used the story of my wallet as a framing device to mask my real point. I think the books I’m buying are a touch expensive. If only we lived in a futuristic age wherein a digital copy of all relevant information could easily be distributed to all who were trying to learn! What a shame it is that that is beyond our technical limitations.


Tomorrow I go back to school after a thirteen year-long Summer, I guess. I do not anticipate this being a great time for PDR while it is happening, but maybe it’ll be good in the long run. Here’s hoping anyway.

Over the last few days I have tried and failed miserably to switch to a daytime sleeping schedule. My first class tomorrow is at eleven-thirty, which is late by Day People standards, but is going to be a rough rise for PDR.


The gods of fire sleep.
They wait in the wood for you.
Why not let them out?

By apparent coincidence I just had my Visa limit upped by over $2000. This is almost like getting another loan for school, which I desperately need. And it also means I’m going to have more to pay back when this is all over. Uh oh.