Action Mermaid Team

Action Mermaid Team

Action Mermaid Team:
A quartet of half-fish teens.
They live under the seas
and solve the mysteries.
Action Mermaid Teeeaaam: Unite!

It was months ago now that Marq thought up the name “Action Mermaid Team” and then I drew a picture of that team as I imagined them. I forgot about that picture for a long time, but today, while drawing superheroes, I figured why not put them on the site? They’re not an official Super Sunday thing, but it’s clearly created by the same impulse that drives me to make those.

Okay, so I figure they’re an 80s-style cartoon team. We made that little snippet of a theme song up there, and I figure there must be a leader one, an tough one, a smart one, and a wacky one. I also threw in their little octopus-lookin’ dude as their animal sidekick (who is actually the friendly spawn of some eldritch sea-being). I’m sure that we can all agree that this is a cartoon that should have been there when we were growing up.

Coming Not Soon Enough

So I said to Marq: “I bet I could convince a kid that hippos are just female rhinos.”

Though I only meant that I’d trick the kid for a conversation or so, he proceeded to plot out a brilliant scheme in which a billionaire might be able to raise a child in such a manner as to think this fact was true. He then took that to its logical conclusion: At some point, this victim would realize that something was up, and would try to escape. I decided that this is the best idea for a movie I’ve ever seen.

Just imagine it! An action-packed thrill-ride of our young protagonist careens from chase scene to chase scene, swordfights through exotic locales, and tracks down every lead to find out the truth that has been hidden so long. The truth that hippos are not just female rhinos.

Okay, Hollywood. We’re ready for millions.

Saw Some Movies

Y’know, I sometimes forget to note the minutia of my life on here, which is insane because that is the ostensible reason for this site’s existence. So here I go:

On each of the previous weekends I saw a movie. First was the Hobbit, which I watched with Kip. Secondly, Django Unchained, which I saw with Marq. If these wind up being the only movies I see this year, I will have had a good year in theatres (That scenario is entirely possible, of course, since I can’t afford to see movies. Those ones were paid for by the fine fellows I was with).


It’s Gandalf Unchained!
Coming soon to cinemas!
But your tickets now!

Apparently a local theatre recently had an incident in which a man stood up during a screening of Django and began yelling at the audience calling them sinners and such. According to what I read there were about twenty minutes left at this point. The way I see it, the timing of the outburst makes it much worse for both sides. By this late in the show, the audience really paying attention to the thing. We’re talking the climax here. An interruption at that point is not going to be well received at all. And if the guy wanted to get his message out not to watch the movie, he should have done it much earlier, so that they would have time to get out. Man, I would be so much better at creating a scene in a movie theatre than that guy.

Sorry for ruining art, everybody

Well, I feel I must apologize for destroying art. As shown above, the paintings I made this year are actually hanging in an art gallery. Sorry everybody. Sorry art. Look, they’ve got little things with the names on them and everything:

It’s educational for me, though (and not only because I learned how easy it is to besmirch the concept of art). As for the medium of my works, it turns out that it is “tempera” which does, I admit, sound fancier than Crayola watercolors.

Thanks to Marq for the photos.

A story about my phone

On Monday I dropped my phone on the way to class. I use my phone to get into my apartment building, so I didn’t notice until I got home. Inconvenient. Luckily the phone was discovered by some folk who bothered to get in touch with the person I had texted most recently: Marq. With his help the people got my phone back to me and all was well.

Reviewing the texts between Marq and the helpful people I learn that when they first contacted Marq and told them they had found a phone, he saw that I it was my number and assumed it was me being a dumbass. This is the correct response, because Marq knows me.

On the back of my phone there is a little cover that goes over the battery. Every time I drop the phone it falls off, so I was not surprised that when I got the phone back it was missing. I rigged up a little duct tape replacement for the cover and was content with that. On my way to class on Tuesday, though, I found the cover untouched on the sidewalk. It wasn’t even covered with leaves or anything. My phone was whole again.

That is my story about my phone.