The Most Groceries

So, for Christmas I was given a Superstore gift certificate for 100 dollars. Then I noticed that I apparently had to spend it all at once because if I did not, I did not get another certificate that made up the difference. I live directly above a Superstore, so it is nothing for me to just go down what I need at any given time. I don’t have to stock up. I typically spend about twenty bucks on a shopping trip. A hundred dollars? I’m not confident that I’ve ever bought that much at once. But then I figured, I have a web site where I keep track of all PDR-related minutia so when I buy a hundred dollars worth of groceries, I should take a picture of it all.

And That Is What I Did:

So there we go. PDR’s Most Groceries.

Now let’s see how much of it I will actually use before I begin to fear that it is going bad.

On the topic of purchasing things, I did not buy any nails last year. That may seem like an even more unimportant detail than my previous groceries, but here’s the thing: Not buying nails was my New Year’s Resolution for that year! So I did it! Hooray!

I forgot to make a resolution this year.

I guess that is all for today.

Someone should get to work.

The Wikipedia page for Raisin Bread is really lax. I mean, I guess it is, after all, just bread with raisins in it… But still.

Let’s see what else I have to speak about…

I’ve been longing to return to New York City. My last trip was over a year ago now and my urge to go back is much stronger than my urge to go there in the first place. I get the impression that I am a fan of New York City.

That’s it for now. I hope it was worth the wait.

Breaking Bread

I picked up some matzo bread this last week and quite enjoyed it. Now I’m hooked. There was a twenty-four hour period over the weekend where I ate nothing but matzo and Tic Tacs. I wonder what that was about. Sometimes I have to agree with those who consider me odd.


Going back to work.
It’s like my blood wants to die.
There is no freedom.

Once there was a boy named Filby. He had no hat, because nobody was willing to buy him one. Thus, when the asteroid fell on his head, no hat was ruined. The end.

Seinfeld is Coming and so is Futurama

Apparently, according to the newspaper like five days ago, Jerry Seinfeld will be coming here in Halifax to play a charity gig thing. I would be totally into seeing that, but the article said that tickets would mostly be made available to people who help support the QE II hospital here in the city. Now, naturally, I look upon all charity as a form of weakness and a waste of resources, so I am totally not gonna get those tickets. Oh well.


What’s the deal with toast?
Who saw bread and thought “add heat.”
Effing retarded.

Also, next week we get the new Futurama movie. This is a good thing that will make the world a better place. A review I read in the paper said that the movie was less a movie than a long episode, but I am totally okay with that.

I do wish that so many things in this post weren’t information gained from the newspaper I work at, but what can you do? And oddly enough, I like toast far, far more than regular bread. But that’s how the haiku came out. What do you want from me?

French Toast Is Brain Food.

If I woke up tomorrow and I had gained telepathy, I think I’d have some french toast. As it is, I just don’t feel like puttng forth the effort of making the french toast. If I had telepathy, I’d be in a better mood, then I could probably do it.

Also, they should make windshield wipers that automatically detect when something is on a windshield and then scrub it off. Not that I, as a non-driver, actually care, but you’d think that technology would have done that one by now.