Whyatt is a Jerk.

Okay, a long time back I complained about a show called Super Why. (Only at the time I thought it was called Super Readers) Now all the complaints I had do not stop me from watching the show, like, dozens of times since then. Including right now.

The episode started and Why was walking around to see if any of the other Super-Readers wanted to hang out, but they were all busy. Why considers this a “Super Big Problem” which, as always, can only be solved one way: By calling together the Super Readers! So, because all his friends are busy, Whyatt calls all his friends away from what they are doing so they have to help him. Honestly? That’s just cold.

Super Why is one of the most self-centered superheroes ever.

This is C.W.

Shooting Time has just finished.

This is C.W. He is a soldier in the Space Army. He appears to have some kind of eye-stalk in a jar for a head. He is a shapechanger, but tends to forget that because he prefers to solve his problems with shooting. I invented him back in Junior High. He appears now for the first time in color.

I present this drawing as my first attempt at working on a Wacom Bamboo Fun Tablet Drawing Machine. It allows me to draw right on the computer without hassle like scanning getting in my way. And I don’t seem to draw a whole lot worse than I do on paper. When I get more practice and if I took more time I bet I could even draw pretty acceptably. Time will tell, I suppose.

(The background was not drawn by hand. I just whipped that up quick so it wouldn’t look so empty. As for why the cacti are so close to the horizon? I’m going to assume there is a cliff right there. Yeah.)


Since I know that the odds of Contains2 ever being fully up and running again are pretty low, I have begun putting up a Comics section here on this site which can now be reached from above. I am in the process of making sure all my old material is here, but I’m taking my time so we can expect it to be pretty ugly for a while yet.

But I will also finally be creating new comics. That might sound unlikely at first given the track record I have for actual work on this site lately, but I have managed to make a new level for my Adventure Dennis comic, all of which can be seen here.

More new things shall follow.