
I saw the Tenacious D movie. Aside from Marq there were only eight other people in the place. It’s a shame. I saw Borat last weekend and it had a much bigger crowd.

I guess the fact that I didn’t even know about the D’s movie two weeks ago could signify a lacklustre hype buildup. More likely it’s just a sign of how out of touch I am now, though.

Also I shaved today. Man that is much more tedious than it works. Maybe as someone who shaves less than once a month these days, I shouldn’t complain about it, but until I have an adamantium razor that runs on magic, I’m probably not going to stop complaining.

Let’s see… I used to think the nighttime security lady was nicer than the daytime security lady, but lately it seems they’re both ornery old women who take their jobs too seriously. But then I still don’t understand why a newspaper printing plant needs twenty-four hour watchmen, a multitude of security cameras, required sign-in for anyone entering the building and passcards that you can’t get in or even out of the building without. And also you need those cards to get from different parts of the building. I admit right now, if I ever find spies from rival paper The Daily News who are curious to know what’s going on in there, I’ll be happy to tell them: We’re printing a freaking paper.

I still loathe my job, by the way.

Do the Sandwich!

Sandwiches that I buy at corner stores never turn out to be good, but I stil keep buying them. Why is that?

Anyway, I slept through Monday. From the time I got home from work, until I had to go to work again, I slept. That sucked. But now I’ve woken up pretty early today. Let’s see what I can accomplish with that.

I Slept Lots.

Yesterday I slept for like sixteen hours. One day on the weekend I slept a total of seventeen, though not all at once. I fear I may be sick or something and my body is trying to fight it. Whatever the case, it sure does eat up my time. And that I don’t care for. But I was late for work last night, which has it’s upsides.


Many Robots Fly.
Some have extendable legs.
Too few have chauffeurs.

I bought a cherry pie a few days back, except when I took it out of the box, it turned out to be a straw-berry rhubarb. I have since righted this gross mis-labeling by eating the strawberry rhubarb and then buying a real cherry.


Remember when I used to post something every day? Of course, back then I also did an article a week. Those were better times for writing.

Anyway, I’ve determined that I don’t much care for bathing. That is to say taking a bath rather than showering. I tried it the other day and the only single advantage it had was that I could hear my music playing in the other room. Beyond that, I’ll stick with showers.

I must, however, mention that they recently changed the shower head in my apartment and now it has much less pressure. That, I don’t like. It seems like any time in my life when a shower had has been changed, the replacement has had less pressure. I can only assume that the showers I took as a child would have killed a smaller person.

What Day Is it?

Obviously rocks are made of metal. Metal is hard. Rocks is hard. It’s just plain obvious. WHY DOESN’T ANYONE LISTEN??? You all get D minuses.

What else? I don’t know. I’m barely allowing myself enough mental energy to keep myself awake, I can’t really expect myself to think of anything to write. Except maybe a rhyming couplet:

Forever there will be a sky.
Even after we all die.

Well. That was fun. For the record, my definition of sky is not limited to “air” but includes space as well. Are not the Sun, Moon and stars said to exist in the sky?