Apparently, it can happen.

I just had, my own self, one of those dreams where inside the dream you wake up but you’re actually still inside the dream. In this case, I probably should have realized I was still dreaming because of little facts like that it was Halloween (except actually it was 6 AM the following morning, but kids were still out) and instead of living on the tenth floor, I was on the third or so. Also I was growling constantly and unable to stop, making me think werewolf.

Prior to waking up the dream had been some sort of videogame style adventure I was on that I don’t remember all that many details except that I blew up a bridge after having successfully made a deal with a lady criminal mastermind simply by not being willing to steal the microchips I was supposed to steal from her.

On the plus side: Eyepatch.

I had this dream today where they were bringing back Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but I had to play Xander. I didn’t really want to play Xander, and the rest of the cast didn’t really want me to play Xander and we all knew that the fans of the show would hate that I was playing Xander instead of the real Xander guy, but for some reason I HAD to play Xander. The dream was just this one really awkward table-read of the script.

That said, if I were ever to be an actor on some kind of superhero show I surely would end up in the role of the doofy, somewhat dumb everyman-representing sidekick. It’s just what I do.

Cool Dream

Since I wrote this up to explain to someone else, I might as well use it here as well. This is the dream from which I am recently awakening:

“Well, I was on a bus. A bus only for superhumans and I was a Skrull who looked human. I, and who ever I was with (a man visually based on Coop from Megas XLR, who was also a Superhero but not a Skrull). We were riding the bus across town while I was trying to put up with the driver who kept complaining about Skrulls and “Coop” tried to keep me calm. I changed my shirt from Orange to Green in the hopes this would keep me noticing I was a Skrull (How that works, I don’t know, but it was the only shape changing I successfully did the whole dream. I did spend much time considering getting off the bus and flying home but I was sure I couldn’t remember how to shapeshift into a bird.)

As the ride continued, the other superhumans kept picking fights with us one at a time and the driver would always slow down to let us throw off those we defeated. He was starting to get to like us and was going to put a good word in for us (With whom? Unknown) until as we cross the bridge that led to our stop I was attacked by two guys and beat them up. The driver revealed that one of those two was his father. I asked how that was possible since they were both younger than him, but he just kicked us off the bus (we were now at our stop anyhow).

It seemed good until the bus driver must have changed his mind and the bus started coming after us. We ran (I tried to turn into a bush to hide, but could not remember how to do so). We saw the driver get off the bus with three men I recognized as Mr. White, Mr. Blue and Mr. Black (each had an AK-47 in their color) and they were chasing us. But Mr. Blue was secretly on our side and helped me beat Mr. White and the driver, then we talked Mr. Black into joining us too. The Four of us returned to the bus and our victory somehow activated our Transformer powers. “Coop” became Optimus Prime and had the voice and everything.

And I… still didn’t know how to transform even though I was now two species of shapechangers.”

Who Is Your Daddy?

A month or so ago I had a dream about finding out I was going to be a father. My most recent dream was a variation on that. Much stranger. During the course of the dream I didn’t meet the woman who was carrying my child, but I knew her and knew she had been a nun or something. And while that was strange enough, things got stranger. Within the dream I suddenly woke up in my grandmother’s home. She informed me that I’d been in a coma for almost two years. She introduced me to my little son, who I helped feed while my grandmother filled me in on what had been happening. It seems I was an early casualty of a disease that “spread across the land” putting people to sleep. And though my grandmother didn’t mention it I got the distinct impression the disease had a high fatality rate and that humanity was not too worried about overpopulation anymore. My grandmother did mention, however, that in a lot of cases (but not mine apparently) the disease caused the victim’s skin color to change. My grandmother went to the television to put a tape on that would have told me what I had missed (she was still being cryptic) but that was when I woke up. I’m certain that tape would have told me the world was on the verge of the apocalypse, but I had to wake up and miss it… Oh well…

In other news, I tried calling the bank yesterday, but I guess the number they tried calling me from doesn’t work with incoming calls… I work early today but tomorrow perhaps I shall drop into the bank in person, and see if they know what’s up.

It’s been far too long since I’ve had email and, while I doubt anyone has tried to reach me, I still feel like I’m supposed to be checking this stuff.

Poppa PDR

So, I dream pretty much every night. It’s all usually pretty strange stuff and nonsense like you might expect from my mind if you knew it at all.

Last night I dreamt I fathered a child. That was messed up. There was going to be So many emotions and stuff. Doubt. Happiness. Confusion. Trepidation. Joy. Messed. Up. It’s been a long time since one of my dreams evoked so many damn emotions. I still feel strange about it. Also, the dream included me visiting England via the TransAtlantic Railway, which totally doesn’t exist, so it was not devoid of my usual strange stuff.

In other news, I’m pretty sure that I heard a guy refer to his Christmas Vacation as “Christmas Vacay”. I find vacation a strange word to shorten and do not approve of it.

That’s it.