
Apparently my roommate Marq came home last night and stumbled across a man hiding in our living room who had been in the process of stealing us. I guess the guy then left and the controls for our PS2 are missing, though the PS2 itself is still here, but unplugged. Of course, with Marq being the lazy introvert he is he isn’t willing to go to the super about this, let alone any law enforcement. The dozens of security cameras in our building, had they cognitive abilities, would weep for their very purpose being ignored. I guess that guy is just lucky that Marq caught him instead of Marq’s angry-at-the-world-roommate-with-a-superhero-fixation.

Though he was an idiot to go about unhooking the Playstation with all my DVDs Right There. But I guess that’s a good thing for me.

In other news, I had a dream last night involving quitting my job. I mean, it wasn’t the same job I had in the real world exactly, but I guess quitting is not a bad thing by any means. But then my dreams have been mostly insanse lately and my sleep fitful. Probably not a good thing.


Go go Mario!
Go all the way to world eight!
Beat the whole damn game!

Also, I’ve gone spendcrazy again. Lacking anything that actually makes me want to go about living, I just keep throwing money at books/DVDs/comics/toys/food or things that don’t really help my soul, but keep myself watching. Sure I may end up poor, but at least I’ll have posessions. It was about this time last year when last I went truly spendcrazy, I believe.

Dream Weavin’

According to my research (some article from a newspaper last week) less than half of the Canadian population has dreams in which they themselves are the main character. Now, I’m always the star of my dreams, so I don’t know how people could be in any other situation.

Oh wait, I see now, I star in your dreams too, don’t I? I guess that isn’t so bad after all.

Dreams From In My Head.

I fell asleep early last night and ended up sleeping for twelve hours or so. Normally I’d be bothered by how much time that takes up, but I was lucky enough to have a bunch of strange dreams in that time, so it wasn’t a complete waste.

First I dreamt that I was back in high school. Not the high school I actually went to, but some made-up dream high school. I didn’t do the work I was supposed to do and the teacher was so disturbed by that that he asked me “What are you?”. Before too long I dropped out and spent the remaining bulk of that dream cleaning out my locker and packing more than two backpacks of goods to take home with me.

After waking up a little bit I fell back to sleep and this time some guy wanted me to meet with him at a local hospital that was apparently located in a mall. I had to take a bus to get there and I was apparently not too interested in actually going to meet this guy. So I was dilly-dallying at the bus stop. Some guy who was going to the same place I was was also there. Across the street from us, waiting for a bus going the opposite direction was Robin Hood. So we were hanging around the bus stops talking when suddenly Robin Hood warns us about something. We turn around and see a bunch of flying horses heading our way. The dream used some sort of cutaway to a scrapbook to introduce me to the people riding the horses, a group of celebrities, plus the guy who wanted me to meet up with him. It seems he had somehow detected my lack of desire to meet with him (and it seems the celebrities were part of that meeting) so he was now out to kill me and the other guy at the bus stop. We both ran down the sidewalk and I’m pretty sure Robin Hood got trampled when the horses swooped in for us. There was some sort of cabinet on the sidewalk and me and my fellow runner tried to hide in it. That’s pretty much it.