Con Men

So, today we hit the Hal-Con I mentioned a few posts back. I’d be lying if I didn’t say we were a touch disappointed. As hard as it is for me just to be in a place with that many people, the location seemed rather small and crowded. And while I’m sure there must have been stuff there that would have interested me, none of it was going on while we were there. I suspect that plenty of people did enjoy it more, though. It seemed like it anyway. I’m hoping that the event was successful and that we’ve got the thing poised to become an annual event. Especially if they can get a bigger venue next year.

Frankly, I had more fun while we were sitting at the Dairy Queen across the street and identifying what costumes people walking past were wearing. I can now say I’ve seen a man in a Cookie Monster costume on a motorcycle. Another plus of the day: I saw a guy in a Dr. McNinja costume. Dear guy in a Dr. McNinja costume: You made me happy.

It is currently not decided if we will be trying again tomorrow. If we do, I’ll let you know. If we don’t I might also let you know. Thus, these last few sentences are pretty unnecessary.

Also, I’d like to take a moment to complain about something I’ve seen on the Internet but today was the first time I heard about it in person: Using the term “genre” to refer to things like fantasy and science fiction. Like a website will say it has the latest news on “genre fiction” and it means it covers comics and sci-fi shows and just in general nerdy stuff. It’s downright stupid to me. Fantasy and sci-fi are genres, certainly, but to refer to them as “genre” first of all doesn’t specify what genre they are and secondly doesn’t acknowledge all the genres that those things aren’t. I am sure I have absolutely no chance of stopping this from continuing, but I can swear right here that I’m never going to play along! NEVA SURRENDA!!!

Late For Yoga!

I just saw two people running up the street carrying yoga mats. What kind of society are we living in where people need to rush to a relaxing thing like yoga. Shame on everybody.

Anyway, since I haven’t really got much else to say, now is as good a time as any to mention that Kiiip, Marq and Yours Truly are planning on going to a Science Fiction Convention later this month. I don’t know if this is something that has been happening every year and I just never noticed or if this is the first time we’ve had one in Halifax since my childhood. Either way I will be at this one, and I will be too poor to afford anything. But I might see Chekov. So that’s pretty awesome.

Man. It’s too hot.

My apartment is hotter than the sun’s thermos over here. The sun has hot coffee in his thermos, but my apartment is warmer than that coffee. For the sun to enjoy a hot coffee, you know it would have to be really hot. But my apartment is moreso.

I guess this weekend the city is being Hurricaned. At least that should clear out all this humidity.

I’d do something, or write something or something, but it’s too hot. I don’t want to.

So hot.

Poor Little Kitty

I took a slightly different direction on my route home tonight and encountered a Lost Cat poster. Sitting directly across the street from this poster was a cat. My first instinct was that the cat did not look like the one on the poster, but it was dark and I thought I would get closer and try to get a look. The cat immediately ran away.

Maybe I was deluding myself, but as it ran away it kinda did seem line the one on the poster. But now I’ll never be sure. I’ve had cats come up to me and let me pick them up sometimes when I’m walking at night, but not this time. And what makes it worse is that on the rest of my journey home I saw like seven more posters about that cat and they all made me feel like I’d missed my chance. Maybe if I’d made less of a sudden movement I could have helped someone out.

Or maybe it wasn’t even the same cat.

In other news, since this past Monday my co-Whatever I Am has been on vacation. Since he does most of the work that I really, really don’t enjoy at all, his absence more than doubles my work. I suddenly find myself having to talk to people and fill out paperwork. It is not cool. And this will last until early July. This is going to be one lame month.


Here in Halifax we have what is called The Pizza Corner. It is a street intersection downtown upon which three of the corners are home to pizza joints and the other is a wall that is ideal for sitting on and eating pizza slices. It is an important part of Halifax.

Over the weekend I was at the pizza corner and noticed that one of the places is all paper-windowed. Is it out of business? How could it be when it is in the prime downtown location and the one up the street from me, which I would assume is in a less favorable location is still marching along? Is the pizza corner location just being renovated? I did not look closely enough to tell.

Oh woeful economy. Don’t destroy the Pizza Corner. Or do. I don’t really care. I mean, there’s still two other pizza places there.