The Fourteenth of March 2011 has Comics

Oh, it’s Monday.

Boom. Little Choy. I found an old page on which I had written some Little Choy “punchlines” that I intended to use, so now I figure I will use one a month until they’re all used up and that’ll give us a new Little Choy each month this year.

Only one page of the continuing adventures of the Secret Government Robots today, but that is because I am rolling onward with other projects. I’d hoped to have it done by now, but I don’t.

And just to cap it all off, here’s Pete and Jeremy talkin’ on the phone again:

It’s Very Ear-itating!

I’ve an ear ache/infections/something in my right ear and it is driving me nuts. Last time I have to put up with this nonsense it was in my left ear. So at least it is mixing it up.

To be fair, I remember it being much more painful last time. I don’t know if it actually was or if my memory has just colored that event as being worse than it was, but I’m glad it isn’t as bad as I remember. Still bugs me, though.

But now I am getting to work on some comics for Monday, so my ear is pretty unnecessary just now anyway.

Two Days Without That Lifegiving Spark

I just went roughly two days without the Internet being allowed into my home. Seems I did not have enough money in the bank when the provider tried to take the money out of the bank. A couple times. Like since January. So they cut me off. But it is all taken care of now, so I am back online and I will start making sure that I am keeping more money in my bank account, I think.

It’s weird how if I were to go away for a weekend or something I would not notice the lack of Internet. I mean, it’s only two days. That is really not very long. But when I am in my home and I am having nothing better to do and I have had several days of way-too-long shifts at work this week, when that happens, I notice the lack of Internet. After all. It’s Two Whole Days! That’s forever!

I’m pretty much all caught up on what I missed. I’ve two episodes of each of the Daily Show and Colbert that I am about to watch. And I had to clear about 900 spam comments from the site here. I suppose that could have been worse considering that I’ve had that many turn up in a matter of hours sometimes.

Ladies Day

I wonder if I could ride a unicycle. I try to imagine it in my head, without ever having been on one, and I can’t really tell if it should be hard or not. Someday I’ll have to try.


Women with lasers
protect the moon from vikings.
We thank you, ladies.

It is International Women’s Day, I guess. I’ll just get it out into the record that even though the the Nation of PDR has a 0% female population, it supports the rights of women everywhere and we strive to maintain good relations with them. In the meantime, I bring you a classic PDR story that I honestly thought was already on the Book of PDR: The Reason Women Were Allowed To Vote.

The Reason Women Were Allowed To Vote

A long, long time ago in the era now called the Bronze Age there was a town called New Danza. New Danza was the largest town in its region and boasted a democratic voting system that involved all the men coming out once a year to cast their vote for Mayor. On one such voting […]