Rolling With Dogs

Okay, I just spent like an hour looking for a Kurt Vonnegut quote I remembered in part, but didn’t know which book it was in. Now that I’ve finally got it, I’m going to put it up here just so the next time I want to remember it I can find it more easily:

“When a child, and not watching comedians on film or listening to the radio, I used to spend a lot of time rolling around on rugs with uncritically affectionate dogs we had.
And I still do that. The dogs become tired and confused and embarrassed long before I do. I could go on forever.
Hi ho.”

–Kurt Vonnegut, Slapstick or Lonesome No More!

Come Into My Parl-OW!

Okay, so yesterday while I was waiting for my ride to work I noticed this little fly. Smaller than a housefly, bigger than a fruit fly, not a mosquito, I don’t know what he was. He was doing his thing where he flies around but then headed directly towards a nearby spider’s web. But he did not get caught in that web. He smacked Directly Into The Spider and then flew away. I don’t know if he was some sort of idiot or thrill seeker, but I’m casting my vote that that fly is the coolest fly of yesterday. All good?

Stupid Over Hurricanes!

Hey look at that! A bunch of sticks!

So yesterday we got hurricaned. I lost power for eighteen hours and was Internetless for even longer. Apart from that, it was a nice warm rain and all that humidity that I’ve been hating for last month. The weather is now quite nice. Good hurricane everybody.

Also, I had a cucumber and some mayo in the fridge that I assume is no longer good. Poor wasted food. I did finish my ice cream, though.

Man. It’s too hot.

My apartment is hotter than the sun’s thermos over here. The sun has hot coffee in his thermos, but my apartment is warmer than that coffee. For the sun to enjoy a hot coffee, you know it would have to be really hot. But my apartment is moreso.

I guess this weekend the city is being Hurricaned. At least that should clear out all this humidity.

I’d do something, or write something or something, but it’s too hot. I don’t want to.

So hot.