So, it’s the middle of July…

Why did nobody tell me that there was a movie made about Hypatia last year? Everyone knows that she was my favorite personality from the Library of Alexandria. What am I paying you people for?

I have recently learned that there are things called Drabbles which are stories exactly 100 words in length. The Internet tells me that they are typically done for fanfiction, but I have decided that I am going to do a whole bunch of them using the superhero world I’ve built up in my head since childhood. It’s like fanfiction of my own creation. Or something. Anyway, I’m going to try to do fifty of them and then put it all up as one page here, but in the meantime, to fill out a post, here is one of them:

In the Grand Canyon there is a secret facility built on a rift in the universe called the Nexoid Portal. Dave works security in the Nexoid building. One night the sensors blinked to indicate that something was trying to come through. When Dave checked on the rift he saw his daughter who had died two years before.

“Daddy,” she said. “I found my way back. Let me in.”

“I can’t do that,” Dave replied.

“But why?”

“Because you’re actually the demon Zeozal in disguise. You tried this same thing last week.”

“Crap, I did. Man, I need new ideas.”


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In other news, if anyone out there has been reading the X-Men comics for the last couple years and thinks that reading a parody of them would be quite nice, there is a new Micro Adventure by my good friend G:DR right in the section of this website where those are kept. They’re the only comic parodies you can trust.

  1. I’m sad that I’m not vain about my name not on being on PDRs site. VAIN!

    Also, drabble reminds of dribble when is something that happens after you are done peeing. PEEING!

  2. Despite hat you told me these Drabbles are easy to make. Look here’s one I made about the MacDonald’s/Subway rivalry:

    In the Grand Canyon there is a facility built on a rift in the universe called the Nexoid . Ronald Macdonald works security in the Nexoid building. One night the sensors blinked to indicate that something was trying to come through. When Dave checked on the rift he saw his Goldfish who had died two years before.

    “Daddy,” she said. “I am back. Let me in.”

    “I can’t do that,” Ronald MacDonald replied.

    “But why?”

    “Because you’re actually that demon Jared from Subway in disguise. You tried this same thing last week.”

    “Crap, I did. Man, I need new ideas.”


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