Small Towns With Paranormal Problems
For the last three years in a row, in the approach to Halloween I’ve thought “I should gather together some of the spooky-themed random tables I made for the PDR RPG, and make a product out of them.” Every year Halloween came and went and I thought “Well, I missed it. Oh well.” and then forgot about it again for most of a year. But this year I went and finished the darn thing.
Small Towns With Paranormal Problems is now available on both DriveThruRPG and And here’s the thing, people are downloading it. It is certainly more objectively successful than any of the colouring or activity books I’ve got over on Etsy, as much as I love making those.
Here’s the further thing: I had a lot of tables for the PDR RPG before I abandoned it to work on Surrounded By Danger. I had 80 pages of those tables in one file and other files around. Sure, a lot of them are things nobody else will ever want (nobody but me needs name generators for the alien species that only currently exist in my Alien Sundays posts), but the success of this project really makes me want to continue working on this kind of thing. I may have strip-mined all the stuff appropriate for Halloween already, but I can make more. I will make more!
I’m doing this now! (And also, I’ll have another Surrounded By Danger update soon.)