And Lo, The Wizards Shall Fight!

I did a thing! Somehow I have found myself participating in a thing called the One-Page RPG Jam 2024, which is a thing where people create role-playing games, the rules to which can fit on a single page. I’ve been tinkering with a PDR RPG for some years now, so the chance to carve off some of that work into individual slices and actually have something to show for it is very welcome.

My first one-page rpg is called “And Lo, The Wizards Shall Fight!” and it is lets two players generate some random Wizards and then have them fight with a system of my own creation that relies on dice and a deck of cards.

My inspirations for this are pretty specific and very much the sorts of things that PDR would connect. There’s the wizards duel in the Disney movie Sword In The Stone for a start. That’s definitely what I’d call the most mainstream inspiration. After that comes the climactic sorcery fight between King Graham and Mordack in King’s Quest V, which I figure was probably inspired at least in part by the movie. And finally there’s the fight between Modred the Mystic and Blade in Marvel’s comic Darkhold: Pages From The Book Of Sins (My favourite from their Midnight Sons line). Those are the big three, in reverse order of importance, because I took them in at a very formative age and they put a love of wizards fighting that has lasted to this day. I suppose there was also the computer game Magic Carpet, though I never played more than a demo of it, so my idea of it comes less from the game itself than from PC Gamer reviews of the game.

All of which is to say that And Lo, The Wizards Shall Fight comes from a long lineage of wizard duels. But now you can play it with cards and dice!

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