I just realized that back when I first watched the Superman/Batman movie (The 7th of April 2016), I sent my thoughts to Marq as I was watching. I have now copied them and paste them below, typos and all, devoid of any context. Just rest assured that Marq didn’t know what I was talking about either. I went in fully knowing the movie’s reputation and about the Martha scene and stuff. I may refer back to these thoughts in a future Superman Thoughts post, but mostly this is just for posterity:
Is there any reason that Bruce’s employee “Jack” who gets blown up isn’t a version of Lucious Fox? I’m not saying that woud be better necessarily, but it seems like it might have been an easier way to play up the importance of the death to the audience of the last few Batman movies.
18 Months Later. One of those time skips that are always ruining comics from what I hear.
There’s no way this archaeologist or whatever is going to be Lana’s father is there?
I’m going to assume Lois is in the bathtub because it shows us how close she and Clark are. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
Okay, this is where I’m starting to feel old already. I already don’t know what’s going on. Lois says the people at the hearing are saying something, Clark cuts her off saying he doesn’t care what they’re saying. I genuinely don’t know what they’re saying. Are they unhappy because Superman saved her? Because the terrorists got killed by those motorcycle guys? I’m not sure who is unhappy or why.
Batman brands people? Wasn’t that the schtick of one of the old pulp heroes? Nightraven or something?
Alfred’s really drilling the hatred of Superman into Bruce. Is this movie actually Alfred vs Superman?
So Lex Sr. grew up in East Germany?
At least the movie seems to be okay with using the name Superman, unlike Man of Steel with that damn cough joke I still don’t understand.
Wait, it’s only 18 months from the last movie and there’s already a statue of Superman? He really must have stepped up his game between movies.
Why did Lex just put a candy in a guy’s mouth? I tried to give him a chance, but I’m going to agree with the others who said this version of Lex is not great.
“Superman acted like some rogue combatant to rescue her” is the official problem the government has with Superman? I still don’t get it. Are they just upset that he doesn’t work for them, or are they saying Superman shot all those people? They do know that guns would be pretty unnecessary for him to use, right?
Affleck is one of the three actors I am most frequently compared to, and probably the handsomest of the three.
Gotham and Metropolis are across a harbour from one another? I think there are some Silver Age comics with that setup. But why, then, are they so acting like the heroes are so attached to their particular cities, then? Batman doesn’t fight crime if running water gets in his way? Superman won’t fly across the harbour to put out a fire?
I’m sure if wheelchair guy were being set up to be Metallo, I would have heard of it alredy, so I am sure he is not.
The action scene where Batman fights Superman soldiers and bug guys is absolutely free of quick cuts and shaky cam. I almost feel like someone listened after my opinion of the first movie.
The superheroes acting like jerks and the frequent dreams are more similarities to the Silver Age.
“He is not our enemy,” Alfred says. So, did I misunderstand what Alfred was saying earlier? Going back to check, Earlier Alfred said “Everything’s changed. Men fall from the sky. The gods hurl thunderbolts. Innocents die. That’s how it starts, sir. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness. That turns good men cruel.” All said while showing images of Superman. I dunno.
Wilhelm Scream. Maybe they are willing to try to have fun? I mean, Wilhelm Screams are lame, but they’re also not super serious.
This car chase scene is pretty coherent as well. Are my memories of how bad the action was in Man of Steel flawed?
Oh, nobody told me the fight was over the fact Superman busted up the Batmobile. He deserves what he gets.
Seems like making a tracking device that blinks on the end that you’re trying to track is just begging for it to get noticed by the person you’re tracking.
“Does he act by our will, or his alone?” Okay, so I guess the whole problem is their uncertainty about his motives.
“The desert was a set-up. Someone wanted Superman to look guilty.” Oh, so they do think Superman shot all those people? Surely Lex could faked heat vision or something?
Ah, Lex’s skinny assistant is Mercy. Nice touch, I guess.
Well, at least they can’t say the movie doesn’t foreshadow its jars of urine.
Also, I guess Mercy is dead.
“All this time, I’ve been living my life the way my father saw it.” “Superman was never real. Just the dream of a farmer from Kansas” No! Jonathan Kent specifically told you to not help people because it would put you at risk! That’s the thing I most hated about the first movie!
So Pa Kent is in the movie after all (dream, I assume). Okay, scene over and he has not offended me. I’ll accept this Pa Kent appearance without complaint.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Lois Lane falling from a great height it one of the least suspensful things ever, so I am glad this one didn’t drag it out. He was there almost instantly.
And then the movie takes a break while Wonder Woman browses commercials for upcoming DC movies.
“If I wanted it, you’d be dead already.” The truest fact about Batman/Superman fights.
Luckily, we flash back to Bruce’s origin again. I had forgotten what had happened there.
Is there a reason that Kryptonian/Human mix is stronger than both instead of somewhere in between?
I hope that the R-rated version of the movie just gives Doomsday some junk.
Okay, Doomsday does get some bony protusions. I’m not big on him flying and heat-visioning, but it does fit this origin.
Bruce to Clark regarding Wonder Woman: “I thought she was with you.” You literally emailed her Bruce. Like two hours ago.
I think Wonder Woman just smiled! I don’t think superheroes are allowed to do that here!
See, if I were Clark, I might have, like, thrown the spear, or maybe even given it to Wonder Woman. I’ll just blame it on being a heat of the moment thing, though.
And here’s my problem with these movies, I don’t care that Clark is dead right now. I have no attachment to him. This version of Superman has barely had a consisteny personality for me to attach myself to. I guess I’m supposed to just transpose my existing feelings for the character onto this version, but I can’t do that. This Clark was never got past the cipher stage for me. This would probably have been helped if there had been a second movie, one that showed Superman becoming the beacon of virtue Lex claimed he was. One that showed why people were willing to build a statue to him. One that had ANY scenes of his relationship with Lois at all. One with Bibbo. Just because.
They shave Lex’s head. That’s something, I guess.
One thing this funeral is missing is mobsters attacking Jimmy Olsen while about three dozen superheroes are about ten feet away. Those were truly the smarted mobsters ever.”