
Tomorrow I go back to school after a thirteen year-long Summer, I guess. I do not anticipate this being a great time for PDR while it is happening, but maybe it’ll be good in the long run. Here’s hoping anyway.

Over the last few days I have tried and failed miserably to switch to a daytime sleeping schedule. My first class tomorrow is at eleven-thirty, which is late by Day People standards, but is going to be a rough rise for PDR.


The gods of fire sleep.
They wait in the wood for you.
Why not let them out?

By apparent coincidence I just had my Visa limit upped by over $2000. This is almost like getting another loan for school, which I desperately need. And it also means I’m going to have more to pay back when this is all over. Uh oh.

All I’m saying is, if you drown a litter of kittens, it is better for the environment than letting them live. Puppies too. #Romney2012