I’m not really good at quantifying my favorite things, but if I had been forced to pick my favorite comic artist, there is a good chance I would have settled on Gene Colan. His runs on Howard the Duck and the Tomb of Dracula in the Seventies alone cemented him in my comic-reading consciousness, and he became one of the first artists whose work I could recognize as a child. He never gave his characters generic faces, something I still see a lot even today. The characters actually looked like human individuals, which really helped those two series. He also had a great run on Captain America back in the Sixties which I can only afford to see reprints of, and a nice Black Panther serial from Marvel Comics Presents in the Nineties and with those. When all of this is added up, I’d say that there’s a pretty good case he was my favorite. And the fact that he was still contributing to comics even just a few years ago makes it even sadder that he’s gone now.
I’mma gonna hafta readme some Howard the Duck again one of these days. To put it back in the memory hole.
Everybody who reads comics should read the Gerber/Colan Howard the Duck stories. They’re awesome.