I spent a lot of time sleeping both yesterday and today. Not a favorite pastime of mine. Waste of a weekend is what that really is. I have plenty of better ways I could have wasted my weekend.
More importantly: For the last month I have passed a bus stop on the way to work. Actually, I pass many bus stops, but this one is important in that it has an advertisement with Mr. T on it. I am generally moving too fast (and on the other side of the road) to see this ad, I can only tell that it says “Thumbs Up”. It pleases me even though I don’t know what it is selling. Heck, it probably pleases me more because I don’t know what it is selling.
Beyond that, not much to say just now.
Now I don’t want to appear sexist, but I couldn’t help noticing that when I’m buying one or two things (usually a chocolate bar and juice) female cashiers tend not to ask me if I need a bag or not give me one. The males just stick it all in a bag with no question. Is this because the men are more considerate or because the women are smart enough to realize that I have big pockets and the items won’t last long in any case? I’m not sure, but in either case it’s a fact.
Also, I see more old women on the bus than old men.
And I did once put “I’m not sexist” as a hobby on job application.
I got exactly one nosebleed on the bus today. That’s exactly one more than usual.
In other news, I’m supposed to shave for work tomorrow. Seems that we’ve got these masks I’m supposed to wear when I’m blowing dust around or using chemicals or whatever and that tomorrow the masks are being fitted to my face and because of that, I’m supposed to be cleanshaven. And it has been suggested that I remain cleanshaven as often as possible so that the mask will fit any time I need to use it. Now a better idea to me would be to have it fitted to my face with stubble, since that’s business as usual. In any case, the safety woman also used to ask me to take off my watch around the machines. She stopped eventually.
I still have no idea how I got put onto the safety committee.
I’ve heard that you can tell a lot about someone from their shoes. On the bus home today, I saw this guy whose shoes had both laces and velcro. The laces were tied but the velcro straps were hanging open. I don’t know what that is supposed to tell me about that guy.
As for my own shoes, I have two pairs. My steel-toes ones, black and all beat-up and stuff. And my other ones, black but with cool bright green laces. What does that tell you about me? I couldn’t begin to guess. I think whoever made that saying was an expert on shoes. He’d be able to tell minor things that a layman like myself cannot, and a moron like yourself also cannot.
For the record, my current work schedule is supposed to be Wednesday, Thursday and Friday day shifts, night shifts on Saturday and Sunday and Monday and Tuesday off. Now, while this Tuesday I had to work, I generally have been doing well with this schedule.