
Violence begets violence. Think about it. I know this is true because “begets” is a funny word. Next time you want to do violence, think about that.

I overslept today. Why do I keep doing that on days when I intend to do things? Is my subconscious trying to prevent me from accomplishing anything? Or is YOUR subconcious doing that. I ought to pound you all. Then violence you.

But I should be able to donate blood again, and I’m going to drop into the clinic tomorrow to set up the appointment and stuff. That may help cheer me up.

Hatin’ My Job Even More

A few weeks back, as I reckon time, I thought up something while I was at work and I had nobody to share it with at the time. Yesterday I remembered it and must now record it here so it not be forgotton once more, as it sums up so much: Masturbating to a Spice Girls video would be more life-affirming than any time I spend at that job.

I haven’t really wanted to bring it up on here before, but I like to donate plasma on a weekly basis. I can recall a conversation with Kip over a year ago when I referred to making that donation as the only thing I look forward too in a week. Given that I have only become more depressed since then it is sad that yesterday I was told my iron count was one point too low and because of it I have to wait 56 days until I can donate again. I now have almost two months without the one thing I look forward to in any given week. Isn’t that just great.

Last night at work a co-worker said to me something to the effect of “Man, you look like you just saw your mother being gangbanged by, like, fifty guys while a bunch of people were hacking up babies and everybody was yelling ‘It’s all your fault! It’s all your fault'”. My reply was “No, I’m just here again”.

And finally, to quote Tim from the Office (and probably whoever he was quoting), “It’s better to be at the bottom of a ladder you want to climb than halfway up one you don’t.” I just need to get to a ladder I want to climb.

In any case, I don’t think I’m long for my current profession.

A Lesson In PDR

PDR is not so good at putting together new computers. On the plus side, PDR has a new computer, even if it is, at this point nothing more than a strange jagged jigsaw puzzle with my blood on it.

This old computer will do until that thing gets its act together.

Safety Is For Those Who Care.

I got exactly one nosebleed on the bus today. That’s exactly one more than usual.

In other news, I’m supposed to shave for work tomorrow. Seems that we’ve got these masks I’m supposed to wear when I’m blowing dust around or using chemicals or whatever and that tomorrow the masks are being fitted to my face and because of that, I’m supposed to be cleanshaven. And it has been suggested that I remain cleanshaven as often as possible so that the mask will fit any time I need to use it. Now a better idea to me would be to have it fitted to my face with stubble, since that’s business as usual. In any case, the safety woman also used to ask me to take off my watch around the machines. She stopped eventually.

I still have no idea how I got put onto the safety committee.