Possibly New Sentences

There’s a bit I’ve done a couple times on this site where I make sentences that, according to Google, have not ever appeared on the Internet before.

That was all well and good, but I can’t really do it now. I don’t trust Google’s completeness as a search engine anymore. Maybe it was never as complete as I hoped. I was never under the illusion it that they had literally managed to catalogue everything that was online, but I did think that’s what they were trying to do. I thought that surely in the future you’d be able to check the entire Internet and find what you were looking for, no matter how obscure. I’m not surprised that Google has become about giving you results that are mostly ads, but I am surprised that searches that I know for a fact once came up with results now come up with that cursed “did not match any documents” message. Certainly things on this site, such as the sentences I invented in my previous posts, don’t show up in the results anymore. I have watched obscure videos on Youtube (a site owned by Google remember) and searched Google for the video’s name and not found that video in the results. Google is no longer reliable in the one thing I considered its most important use.

Anyway, I’ve still gotta try to do more new sentences, but I have no way of knowing if they are ACTUALLY new or not. Well, here goes:

  • “I part my hair on the right side, the left side.”
  • “World War 2 will go down in history as a good time for waffles.”
  • “Your hat is hidden behind the Pope’s hat.”
  • “In the future, we’ll all be able to fart our favourite songs.”
  • “If an object spins fast enough, it can transcend the physical universe and entertain ghosts.”
  • “Nobody can say if the Internet has sentences on it.”

And while I’m doing old stuff:


You can’t trust Google
They are not doing their job
But they are still rich

More New Sentences!

A few years back I did a post full of sentences that, according to search engine searching, did not exist on the Internet until I bravely created them. I’m doing it again! More sentences!


  • “We need more rocketship movies.”
  • “Tomorrow is just later today if you don’t sleep.”
  • “I could probably make it rain if I wanted.”
  • “What’s your favourite type of chain link fence?”
  • “The stealth bomber was invented by ninjas.”
  • “I burned down my castle for the insurance money.”
  • “The light is always greener on the other side of the tunnel.”
  • “Most operas don’t end with a car chase.”
  • “Grapes can be your best friend, if you let them.”
  • “The devil knows how to build a rowboat.”
  • “I’m falling in love with this luggage.”
  • “The internet has more sentences on it.”

There! I’ve added to the wealth of humanity’s knowledge!