2024 Ender

We’re ending another year and they’ve got this new one coming up tomorrow. Who asked for a new one? Do we even need a new one? Yeesh. The Dark Lord Char’Nagh is flitting around doing his thing, which is nice, but overall I think we could skip this next one and probably nobody would complain too much.

Anyway, I can’t lie to my beloved website: 2024 ends with PDR in doldrums. I’m perpetually exhausted and I want nothing more than a break that doesn’t seem to be coming any time soon. I just don’t know that I have the mental energy to do the things I want to do with my life and I’m acutely aware that I’m just not going to be getting more mental energy as the years tick by. It’s frustrating.

I’ll keep going. I don’t have a choice but to keep going. But I’m so tired.

2023 Ender

Hark! Do you hear those trumpets? Why, that’s the sound of the Dark Lord Char’Nagh riding down the mountain to let us know that another year has ended.

It felt like 2023 whizzed by, didn’t it? It just went by so quickly. I know that’s just what happens as one piles years upon years, but I’m not a fan. It feels like I’m forever trying to catch up to the flow of time, but if I take a rest I fall behind. Let’s hope that maybe in 2024 I’m not so overwhelmed.

I don’t know that I have anything else to report right now. Judging from the last two days, I think I’m getting over a light case of food poisoning. I’m not sure what I ate that caused it, but my body has reacted by kicking out as much fluid as it can without me becoming a desiccated husk. But hey, I don’t get ill like that very often, so let’s hope that ending 2023 that way means a fresh start for 2024.

2022 Ender

Well, gee golly gosh. I was just talkin’ to the Dark Lord Char’Nagh and he mentioned that it was a new year. Well don’t that beat all?

Twenty Twenty-Three.
Maybe this time it won’t suck.
It is possible.

I don’t have much to report at this change of the calendar. I’m just gonna keep on going and hoping I can be productive. Maybe, as the haiku says, the year won’t suck this time.

Anyone who reads this: I hope the best for you!

2021 Ender

The winds rise.
The clouds flee.
The air shimmers.
The ground quakes.
The frogs doubt.
The Dark Lord Char’Nagh has returned!

Somehow another year has passed already. Did you remember to clean all your tabernacles? I sure hope you did, because you don’t have another chance to before the calendar changes or whatever.

In any case, at some point as a child I chose 22 as my lucky number. Let’s hope that translates into 2022 being a good year.

I don’t think I have anything major to report at this time. Please stay tuned in case I remember anything worth saying.

2020 Ender

The Dark Lord Char’Nagh has returned! The year ends and a new one begins! Have you prepared yourselves? Is it even possible to have prepared yourself?!

The year 2020 will, of course, go down in history as yet another crappy one, but I have to admit that I’ve probably done better than a lot of people this year. My bankruptcy ended, leaving me without all that credit card debt. As far as the pandemic, I live in one of places that has had the best luck with avoiding the worst of it, and my job has continued unabated, which means I’ve had a source of income this whole time, which not everyone can say. 2020 was the year the Phone Guys celebrated a decade of continuous updates on this site. It’s the year I got the 50th Little Choy comic on here, as well as my 50th Beekeeper Review.

Though my poor car did die this year. I miss it so much.

Anyway, let’s hope for a good 2021. I mean, we can hope, right?