Some Fights You Want To See.

Bear versus Dragon = Dragon.

Cannibal Football Player versus Samurai = Samurai.

Carjacker versus Medieval Science-King = Medieval Science-King.

Beekeeper versus Reanimated Corpse Of A Lumberjack = Beekeeper

Dragon versus Giant Made Out Of Trains = Dragon.

Boxer With An Exoskeleton versus Doctor With An Exoskeleton = Doctor With An Exoskeleton.

Dragon versus Doctor With An Exoskeleton = Dragon.

Cannibal Football Player versus Mariachi Doctor = Cannibal Football Player.

Beekeeper versus Goalkeeper = Beekeeper.

Mariachi Doctor versus Doctor With An Exoskeleton = Doctor With An Exoskeleton.

Robot Horse versus Bear = Bear.

Boxer With An Exoskeleton versus Vampire = Boxer With An Exoskeleton.

Bear versus Reanimated Corpse Of A Lumberjack = Reanimated Corpse Of A Lumberjack

Robot Horse verses Cannibal Football Player = Robot Horse.

Samurai versus Humanoid Tree Soldier = Samurai.

Bear versus Medieval Science-King = Medieval Science-King.

Dragon versus Beekeeper = Beekeeper.

(I swear that at least three times this week I thought of things I should write about on here. I forgot those, so here’s this…)

Every Part Of The Buffalo.

If, someday, I become a serial killer I hope I am cognizant of my actions enough that I also become a cannibal. Sure it would bring more risk upon myself to keep and eat the bodies than it would to hide them away somewhere, but it they’re hidden they just go to waste and that is pretty thoughtless, I think. If I eat them, it’s less wasteful and thus better for all involved.


Syllables are here!
Five! Seven! We have it all!
Except, of course, nine.

I don’t know how to tell if it is true or not, but I believe there is a horse on the moon.

If I am ever serial killed, I guess I’d want to be eaten rather than hidden away to rot. Even better would be if the killer left me in a hospital so all my organs and parts could be donated to other people, but what kind of serial killer would do that? Not too likely, so I guess I’ll stick with being eaten.

Several Statements.

At no point did I give you permission to read this sentence. You just went ahead and did it. But I don’t mind. Not really.

There is nothing that makes me madder than an atomic maddening machine being pointed at my face. That really gets me angry.

Cannibalism is the most efficient form of eating other humans. I’ve tried other ways and they just don’t work as well.

Just because loud is a word that means loud, doesn’t mean that the word itself is loud. It can be spoken softly.

Someday people will have revenge on the planet. Until that time comes, we’ll just have to put up with it.

This is the last part of this post. I know this, because I wrote it.

Poor Wet Italian Bastards.

It is really very nice outside today. Way better here than in Italy, I bet. It’s probably raining in Italy. Those poor Italian bastards. Soaked to the bone and crying because they accidentally locked themselves out of the house.

In Nova Scotia, grocery stores are not supposed to be open on Sundays, see. But lately they’ve been going through loopholes that let smaller stores open and even more lately the bigger stores have been opening parts of their stores. I don’t know if the Superstore by me is going to be open, but if it is, I’m going to complain that the cannibalism section isn’t open. If they say they don’t have a cannibalism section, I’ll call them racist. That’s why I support Sunday shopping.

Actually, I probably won’t even check if the Superstore is open tomorrow. I’ll probably sleep instead.