I rented the Godfather II the other day and it wasn’t until later that I was made aware that it is over three hours long. Today I watched it, and I did enjoy it, but still that really ate a big portion of my free time. Shame on this planet’s population for deciding that hours of ones lives were able to be sold and then deciding that that was the best way to exist.
This is the first line.
Now we’re on to the second.
Number three is last.
Do they make high-heel cement shoes?
I’ve heard that you can tell a lot about someone from their shoes. On the bus home today, I saw this guy whose shoes had both laces and velcro. The laces were tied but the velcro straps were hanging open. I don’t know what that is supposed to tell me about that guy.
As for my own shoes, I have two pairs. My steel-toes ones, black and all beat-up and stuff. And my other ones, black but with cool bright green laces. What does that tell you about me? I couldn’t begin to guess. I think whoever made that saying was an expert on shoes. He’d be able to tell minor things that a layman like myself cannot, and a moron like yourself also cannot.
For the record, my current work schedule is supposed to be Wednesday, Thursday and Friday day shifts, night shifts on Saturday and Sunday and Monday and Tuesday off. Now, while this Tuesday I had to work, I generally have been doing well with this schedule.