Rarely do I want so many people to die.

I had some time between classes and didn’t feel like going home. The auditorium where my class would be held was empty, so I thought “Sit there and read” and did that. Then students started showing up and I thought “Hey, I’m not the only one here early.” But then I looked at the time and realized, these were not early students for my class, these were on-time students for the class being held in that room before mine. Whoops!

So I stuck around to see what that class was like.

That class was full of horrible, terrible students. I now have a very keen understanding of how lucky I am to be in the classes I am, because if I were in that class I would likely not still be there. In my classes I am annoyed by the small handful people who whisper long conversations or spend the whole class on Facebook or Twitter or whatever. In this class, a full-year Engineering class apparently, something close to two thirds of the class just speak in regular conversational tone, paying no attention to the lecture. And not even just the people sitting next to each other. They’d call out to other rows. Groups three or four large would gather around laptops and cellphones watching videos. If there ever was a quiet moment, some “clever” wag would find something to shout out seeking a laugh. At one point some guy stood up and just faced the back of the class for what seemed to be a full minute. So anyway, if you’re in ENGI1101 at Dal, I basically hate you.

On another topic entirely, I only just today noticed that I forgot to put of a SecGov page last Thursday. I had the page done and everything. Just forgot. Oh well.

If I’m ever playing cards and someone says “Read ’em and weep” I will actually break down crying. I bet that’ll make them uncomfortable.

First Thoughts About Second Semester

My History class is in the Chemistry Building and my English class is in the Computer Science building. What the chunks? So I’ve just completed my third day of my second semester of my first year. Let’s see what I have to say about that:

I think I’m a little more confident about how well I’m going to do in my classes this year.

Mythology and Astronomy are my only courses that continue on as they were, so I know where I stand in those ones. I’m doing alright and I think I’ll keep doing so. My History class has changed, though. We’ve a new teacher to cover a different time period, and a new classroom for some reason to go with that. I liked our previous classroom (it’s the same auditorium in which my Mythology class was and is held) and don’t understand why what seems to me to be my largest class has been moved to slightly smaller quarters. I’m thinking that this term of History may be slightly easier, though. I’m more familiar with the time period we’ve reached, and also I think there’s one fewer essays to deal with, which leaves more time for other classes, which I will need.

My English class has been replaced with two new English classes. This is where I’m going to be spending most of my time this year. As I’ve already mentioned, I’ve chosen classes wherein I’ve already read, or at least owned, several of the books on the syllabus (Breakfast of Champions, the Maltese Falcon, the Picture of Dorian Grey, Watchmen, etc.) because that’ll save me time, but also I can say I’m genuinely interested in all of those (that’s why I read them), so I’ve got that going for me.

I guess I should cut the rambling here. What I’m trying to say here is, so far things look alright.