I primarily remember this one as the episode with butt.
If I were designing this show from scratch I’d’ve said it was too early for Saffron to come back. She’s clearly intended to be a recurring character, but I would have given her until the second season. But this show didn’t do that and it’s a good thing they got back to her because they got all cancelled and whatnot. I also would have made sure Monty became a recurring character. I don’t think this show gets the chance to do that. More the pity.
Anyway, we’ve got a heist. This time they do the thing where we see them planning the heist while we see them doing the heist, which always cuts down on things that can go wrong. Of course, things do go wrong because they have to for the story to happen.
One thing I will never understand about these kind of heist setups is why the security system always has those laser tripwires that you have to be all agile to get around. Just use a motion detector! We have those now, you idiots.
Most of the action planetside takes place on what appears to be a standard rich people manor, so it doesn’t require the cityscape and extras that I crave, but it is a floating rich people manor, so that’s pretty futuristic.