This is the one where the Niska guy comes back. It’s the one where he tortures Mal and Wash as they bicker about Zoe.
The stuff about Mal being so badass that he resists torture so well is the kind of thing I don’t like. It’s a kind of tough = cool that I dislike. That means that the ending, when at first Zoe is like “This is something the Captain has to do for himself” and Mal is like “No it isn’t” works for me. I am also happy with the way Kaylee falls apart under fire. More representation for those who don’t like fighting, I demand.
The best part for me is when Zoe cuts off Niska’s offer to choose one of the guys. I will always like it when some villain (or anyone) is trying to give their big speech and that is undercut.
Also, there’s a bunch of the heteronormativity typical of the era comes through in the relationship stuff, but the subplot with the hot lesbian stuff seems definitely done more to be titillating than any kind of real representation. Still, mostly a good episode.