Giant Monster Movie.

Yesterday I saw a Giant Monster Movie in the moving picture cinema theatre. I enjoyed it quite a lot and am sure that the Giant Monster genre is in for a big rebirth. Of course that will only really amount to a heap of really bad Giant Monster Movies being made until the whole idea is tired and I’m begging for them to stop (I’m about there for zombies, for example) but I’ve wanted more movies with giant stuff for so long that I’m willing to go on that ride. Next, I think I’ll demand a resurgence of


It’s unstoppable.
Your puny guns can’t hurt it!
You might as well quit.

I used Superman body wash yesterday. I had found it in the store a while back and kept forgetting to use it, but yesterday I remembered. Turns out I don’t much care for it. And it didn’t give me Superman powers, so it’s just an all around disappointment really. I’d have to give it a mere one slice of PDR’s Reviewing System Cake. And that’s just because it has Superman on it.

That’s it. Go away.

Teeth! My first power!

I was told by my mother this week that I had an almost full mouth of teeth by the time I was a year old. From the context it would appear that this is impressive. I now consider it one of my first superhuman powers.

Can you, like, rent your soul to Satan? Like say I give it two him for a week (but it has to be back before midnight) and I get a weeks worth of my wish? Like I could have Superman powers for a week but I lose them at midnight when I get my soul back? Of course as a soulless man I might use Superman powers in a totally different way than I want to, but it’ll be an interesting experiment nonetheless.