2013 Ender

Behold! The Dark Lord Char’Nagh arises and reviews our lives for another year! Are you confident that he will not find you wanting? You still have a few hours, so use them imploring his mercy! You do not want to face the wrath of Char’Nagh!

2013 went by too quickly for my liking. I didn’t feel like I really got a chance to slow down and do anything other than work and school. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as it felt, but it felt bad. On the plus side: I like my job a heckuva lot more than I have any other job I’ve had in decades, and I’m still doing reasonably well in school. Still, I could use a nice break in which I could do more things not related to school or work. I had planned on taking Summer classes, but I’m not so sure now.

Anyway, that’s it for me this year.

Another Term Down

Schoooooooool’s out. For. A while.

I wrote my last exam of the year tonight, and now I’ve got less to worry about until January. I mean, I’m still working, but I should definitely have a noticeable amount of free time until then. Let’s see how much I can manage to get done with the time.


Spiders on the left
and spiders on the right too.
Spiders, front and back.

Story Idea: “Last Mans on Earths”, a story of the last survivors of world-ending apocalypses in their respective alternate universes all meeting when Space-Time Portals open up. Then they have to team up to stop Another Apocalypse!

Why School Bugs Me, Another Reason

The Assignment: An essay, one thousand words long.
Comment Written on Paper by Marker: “Both your paper and your conclusion are too short (1000 word).”
Wordcount According to my Word Processing Software: 1143 (not counting title and “works cited” page)
My Reaction: “Well, at least my concerns about going over the limit were unfounded.”

Seriously, it’s nice to know that all the work I put in to trim my paper down so that it was only 143 words over the limit actively worked against my mark. I just wish I’d had that “track changes” thing active so I could check and see how much I trimmed specifically from the conclusion.

The Story of My Second Year Classes.

I haven’t really been saying much these days because it has been enough work just to keep up with the comics I do on here. Between school and work, I just feel like I haven’t had a lot of time. Here’s some stuff about how I’m feeling in school these days:

This semester I have a class on pulp literature, a creative writing class, a class about comics and cartoons, and a geography class.

As far as actual assignments are concerned, I feel like there has been fewer of them than by this point and that they’ve been easier. Maybe I’m just imagining that, but on the whole, I really do feel that I’m having an easier time with that part of things. Part of that could be that the Pulp Fiction class is a non-writing requirement version of a class, so most of the essay writing in there is done in tutorials rather than as take-home, week-long homework deals. And also, I took the geography class specifically because I thought it looked like it might provide a break from all the writing and it probably is serving that purpose. Now, I only say that the assignments are easier. I have far more reading to do this year than last. I am mostly keeping up thanks to my penchant for picking classes in which I’ve already read some of the material.

Also, I must have gotten lucky as far as professors are concerned during my first year because I have a couple this year that I just don’t like. They’re failing to engage me even a little even on topics that I am absolutely interested in. The fact that a full 50% of the my professors at the moment haven’t got my interest may have something to do with why I’m finding school more tiring this year. Still, it’s effing November already somehow, so this semester is practically over. This will change again before I know it.

Apart from that, things continue on as usual. Probably I should try to have more to say on here, but I can’t make any promises.

A Nice Wasted Night.

Well, I’ve still been busy lately, but today was pretty relaxing. My first class of the day was cancelled, so I was able to get myself seven and a half hours of sleep, which is nice for a change. And furthermore, I didn’t do any schoolwork after school either, just taking a night to waste. I may regret that over the next couple weeks, but screw it, right?

I had to write a seven sentence story for a class this week. So here’s that:

Gary Ochterlony was an older man, the oldest who worked at the library. He was quiet, worked diligently, and on his lunch breaks liked to walk around the outside of the library. One day, on his way out, he caught a whiff of smoke and, worried that there might be a fire, he sniffed and searched, soon realizing it was coming from behind a bulletin board on a nearby wall. The board, he discovered, swung open easily enough, and behind it was a tiny model of a city, built into the wall, with one of its buildings on fire. Gary leaned close to the tiny fire, licked his thumb, and pressed it against the building, extinguishing the flame. Only then did he notice the tiny wail of tiny sirens, and the confused murmurs of tiny people moving about the roads in what, Gary now realized, was no ordinary model city. Slowly closing the board again, Gary spent the weekend assume he’d imagining the event, but when he got back to work and checked, the city was still there, even the burnt building being rebuilt, now with an addition: a gold-plated statue of Gary’s thumb.