Next Step: Cloned Wooly Mammoths as Guard Dogs

I read something in the paper the other day about a laser cannon that can be mounted on boats and set enemy boats’ engines on fire. This is to be used as a deterrent for pirates. We are using lasers to fight pirates. We are a step closer to being in a 21st Century of which I can approve.


Darn that Cosmonaut!
He stole my pepper shaker!
I was using that!

I do not have much else worth mentioning today. I’ll just leave you with a thought:If we’re so worried about the polar ice caps melting, why don’t we just surround the arctic with a bunch of refrigerators, open them all up and cool the whole place down! Problem saved!

  1. We are using lasers to fight pirates. We are a step closer to being in a 21st Century of which I can approve.

    Great quote.

    If we’re so worried about the polar ice caps melting, why don’t we just surround the arctic with a bunch of refrigerators, open them all up and cool the whole place down!

    It could work, too, if the enviro-lobby would just let us use more nuclear power.

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