Moving On Sideways

Even though it is perfectly common for me to go weeks without making a non-scheduled post on the site here, I feel like I should explain my current span of weeks in which I won’t be posting. I’ve had to move again, and as a result I am currently without Internet for a while.

For the last few years I have lived in an apartment above what is, to my generation, still known as the Video Difference building in Halifax. I liked it and it was nice to live in a Haligonian landmark of sorts. And for the fifteen years prior to that, I had an apartment just across the street from that, so for almost half of my life I’ve lived on Quinpool Road. I like it there and still think of it as my neighbourhood.

But, a victim of the whims of capitalism as I am and as are we all, I have had to move about two blocks away. It’s fine, though inconvenient. I’ll get by, because what other choice do I have?


Why can’t turtles fly?
Because if they were up there,
they would not be here?

Anyway, I am also about to change my Internet service provider, which is part of the reason for the delay I am currently going through. I would have happily continued to pay the city’s most expensive provider if they’d managed to make the switch right away, but they didn’t so I’m going with someone cheaper. Hopefully in the long run, that will help.