Wedding Invitation.

I just got the invitation to Kip’s wedding. This invite to his upcoming nuptuals are more proof than any other thing ever that Kip is a great big queer gay fag. Though the invitation clearly doesn’t come from Kip himself because it is for Patrick plus Guest. Kip probably knows better than most people that I’m destined to live and die alone.

In other news, I joined the damn Facebook. Sigh. I’ve become a semi-conformist.

And I had other things to say, but I’m in way too many MSN conversations to think of them right now. So go away.


I was originally all “Nah, I’m not going to join Facebook,” but it seems like everyone I know is on there, especially people that I have not got any other way to keep in touch with. Maybe I should join that damn thing. Maybe.


Break some robot skulls.
If we don’t kill them, we die.
Today is the day!

In other news, there is no Idaho. It’s completely made up.