So, one of the local newspapers recently went very suddenly out of business. The only problem is that it wasn’t the one I work for. I feel like the wrong one was slain. Not only was the tabloid format of that other paper easier to read, but I have seen plenty of reasons to dislike the character of the company that I work for that I truly would take joy in their downfall. And the worst part is that I just bet that the upper management of my company are telling themselves that they put the other paper out of business in spite of the fact that they seem to be running a company based on embezzling, pettiness, nepotism and ignorance. At least I can take some comfort in the fact that I’ve been telling people how the newspaper industry is obsolete for some time now.
And so, last night we had to run over five thousand more papers than before. That’s just what I wanted More customers. The fact that this will all temporarily boost my company really makes me hate it that much more.
Plus people lost their jobs, so I guess they have it worse than me.