The story of Adam the Beekeeper, assassin Jason Dante, and Gladys Blue the robot making a new life for themselves after the events of Secret Government Robots.
Chapters 1 to 10
Chapters 11 to 20
Chapters 21 to 30
Chapters 31 to 40
Chapters 41 to 50
Chapters 51 to 60
Chapters 61 to 70
Chapters 71 to 80
Chapters 81 to 90
Chapters 91 to 100
Private Investigator October Bradshaw has been recruited into Adam’s team at the Extra-Fancy Honey Shop, so she decides to get to know her new allies. (These interviews take place between chapters 95 and 96 of Adam: The Beekeeper Chronicles.)
#01 – Myrtle Wiseacre
#02 – Adam Obianu
#03 – Clint Rojas
#04 – Nineteen Snakes
#05 – Gladys Blue
#06 – Jason Dante
#07 – Jason Dante
Art by Jazz Dunn