Is bread flammable? Or does it just become toast, which is flammable.
Well, I got a message on my telephone machine that my new computer is supposedly all ready for me. I’ll have to see if I have time to pick that up tomorrow. If I do: Awesome.
If there were simply no way to avoid being taped to a train and brought to Wisconsin, would you do it? Yes. You would. You’d have no choice.
Rambo Philanto.
That’s the name of my lawyer.
Well… I wish it was.
Alright, since I’ve started working only night shifts, I’ve felt far more rested and stuff. I’ve been generally feeling better (though I still despise having to go to work). Thus, starting next week, I’m going to do things for the site, dammit. Be there, or be so square you’re a rectangle!
Suppose a serial killer is after you, but just as he’s about to lunge and kill you, he is caught in a bear trap. Would you then be worried about potential bear attacks that the trap could have prevented?
I’m procrastinating more than I used to. That’s not a good thing. I’ll have to get on that. Unfortunately, it’ll have to wait. Right now, I’m thinking I could use some sleep.