As mentioned many times before, an annoying amount of spam comments are thrown at this website. Well, they’ve got a new trick now. The spamming robots have learned to tailor the fake comments to the title of the post being commented on. For example on the post called Stupid Over Hurricanes the comment said “Stupid over hurricanes.. He-he-he :)” and on Rolling With Dogs the comment read “Rolling with dogs.. Corking :)”
All of these comments have been made under the name “” which does make it pretty obvious that these are not really random people enjoying my site. But since robots have used the word “corking” on my site far more often than people have, I was almost reluctant to delete them.
My word! I’ve just realized! All the suits of armor in museums and display cases all over the world are potential hiding places for humanoid alien beings to stand in and just totally spy on people who look at suits of armor. I’d suggest that we put all suits of armor under some manner X-ray or CAT scans so we would always be sure, but that would be ridiculous. Aliens would know some way to avoid being seen on those.
There are words like Color which I don’t spell with a “u” and there are words like Harbour, which I do spell with a “u” and the distinction between them is purely what I think looks better. Armor/Armour is a word which I’ve just never been able to make up my mind about, but now I think I am going to put my vote in the No U camp. Now you can all stop worrying about my thoughts on this manner.
Dogs and frogs are here
telling us why we should go
to the moon again.
So. What’s new with me, you ask? Well, I seem to have been hired as a writer for the Official Handbooks of the Marvel Universe. My work won’t show up until 2011, but when it is solicited I will show a link or whatever. This can be expected to slow down my already very slow attempts at writing for the site here, but in fact I am trying to not let this happen. Starting some time later this month or in November I will be making more attempts to Regular Updates to my webcomic section and hopefully occasional new prose stories as well. So that’s something.
In the meantime, I will put up one of my insanest old prose stories.
Okay, I just spent like an hour looking for a Kurt Vonnegut quote I remembered in part, but didn’t know which book it was in. Now that I’ve finally got it, I’m going to put it up here just so the next time I want to remember it I can find it more easily:
“When a child, and not watching comedians on film or listening to the radio, I used to spend a lot of time rolling around on rugs with uncritically affectionate dogs we had.
And I still do that. The dogs become tired and confused and embarrassed long before I do. I could go on forever.
Hi ho.”
–Kurt Vonnegut, Slapstick or Lonesome No More!
Fact: I don’t think it is biologically possible for sideburns to be even. I bet there is some sort of follicle distribution discrepancy that makes it just impossible. This is one of several reasons why I only shave occasionally. (It seems like this topic has come up recently…)
Do you suppose if someday we learn how to speak the language of dogs that we’ll go back and see movies that had dog actors and it’ll turn out that we can tell what they were saying?
I can see two possibilities springing from that:
A) We end up with the dogs completely ruining the movies by shouting things like “Hey look! A camera!” or “I’m barking on command!” when they are supposed to be saying “Timmy is trapped in the sarcophagus in the haunted grain silo!”
B) The dogs actually say “Timmy is trapped in the sarcophagus in the haunted grain silo!” or whatever line they were meant to say and we all have to really learn to respect dog actors a lot more.